So last saturday was my 25th birthday!! I've been really busy with school so I haven't been on here much. Guess what I got....... a PUPPY!!!!!!!!! We adopted her from the local pound. She's 2 months old, her name's Laney, and the pound thinks she's a fox hound. Soooo cute! As soon as I get pics I'll share :) Just wanted you guys to know my big news!
arrgh, I can't find the charger for my camera, therefore I can't take pics!! take my word for it, she's the cutest puppy ever!! (Except for maybe Halley and Sully )
arrgh, I can't find the charger for my camera, therefore I can't take pics!! take my word for it, she's the cutest puppy ever!! (Except for maybe Halley and Sully)
hey, thanks for the plug! LOL. I cannot wait to see pics of your puppy. You need to get her on Dogster ASAP. And Happy Birthday to you!!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde