Ooh ooh me too me too, I wanna post cool articles for people to discuss! This is a LOOONG one. Here is the full text... even if you don't make it to the bottom, you get the gist of it. I just discovered this lecture after my boyfriend's comment, in light of the recent terrible hurricanes, "I don't believe in global warming." What he really meant was, he doesn't believe that global warming is caused by human interference, and he doesn't believe that there is any conclusive proof that melting polar caps, warming ocean temperatures, etc., are permanent changes rather than an upswing in a cyclical, ever-changing climate pattern. I really can't argue with the points that Crichton makes. For me, it just highlights how dependent we are on others for the accuracy of our information. Read and debate!
Aliens Cause Global Warming
A lecture by Michael Crichton Caltech Michelin Lecture January 17, 2003