I did and I think I'm sorry I did. This episode really emphasized the horrible acting of the show. I also think it moves a bit too slowly. And, the girl that was kind of geeky and grows up to live in the city with straight hair; she seems to be a good actress when she's playing the teenager, but horrible actress when she's an adult. Anyone notice this?
I dunno. I watched it and it was less than okay. Once I get sucked into a show, it is hard for me to let it go. I'm intrigued by the storyline and I like the idea of the show, but it isn't coming off as well as it could.
i watched it again & while i found it good & interesting, i was a bit annoyed that it doesn't seem to know if it's a drama about these kids growing up or if it's a law & order episode drawn out over 20 yrs. does anyone know what i mean? i mean, one minute we are just watching the story through the eyes of the straight haired chick & then we are seeing the detectives talking & interviewing people & stuff. just didn't seem to flow well to me. but overall i think it's pretty good. i'm curious how they will age them though, like do little things each episode or what? i didn't notice much change at all in last night's show, except will malloy had a different hairdo. oh wow, & can you believe he's the priest??? i kinda thought it was him when straight haired chick was in the confessional.
i'm curious how they will age them though, like do little things each episode or what?
I've seen promo posters for it and it has them as teenagers and then 20 years later and, imo, they did not do a good job with aging them at all. It looked really fake to me.
That said, I completely forgot about this show this week. I guess I'll catch it next week and see what I think.