I'm really into making my own homemade smoothie/frozen drinks in the blender right now. I mostly use fresh fruit and yogurt and ice cream basically whatever strikes my fancy. But I would really love some recipies...does anyone recommend a book that has recipies of things I can make?
Any book would help, even better if you use it, or can recommend a specific recipe.
One time in my Aerobics class in school we made smoothies and we basically used different kinds of fruit and I think we put orange juice as well. Sorry not much help but all I can think of is fruit! I'll keep an eye out for some books and let you know!
I don't know of a book but I love a banana-peanut butter smoothie. Blend a banana (or a frozen banana if you like it really cold), a big spoonful of peanut butter and milk (or soy/rice milk whatever your preference) up in a blender. Add more or less milk depending on desired thickness. So yummy and so filling.
I made a lot of smoothies over the summer when i was home and have a whole book. I'm at school right now, but let me know what kind you're interested in and I'll look through the book.
I'll check up over the weekend and bring it back when I come back on Sun/Monday.
Aww thanks manhattenmonkey!! Is there any way you can find out the title and author of the book for me? Then I could go and buy it instead of making you look them up... Or did you create the book yourself? Thanks soo much.