I'm going to seriously curb my spending in order to get our finances under control and save $$$. I am a bit sad because I am a "compulsive" shopper. I LOVE shopping. Any tips on how to keep me strong? Here are some of my ideas:
1. Go to the gym when I feel like shopping (hopefully I'll be real skinny by the end of this)
2. Treat myself to spend a certain amount (suggestions on amount please) a month on something fun.
3. Get inpired by Stylethreaders and mix and match my clothes more so it feels like I'm wearing new stuff.
4. Organize to keep me busy.
5. Read, read, read.
6. Watch the new fall season on tv. (hopefully I won't lust after any items the women are wearing)
Other suggestions please. How do you gals go on shopping bans. I have cut back before but never outright quit. Please help.
Edit: In order to budget correctly how much $$$ does a family of four need to live per week? (gas,Doctor,food)
1. I find that the more time I spend with my closet, the more I will find some outfits I like. If I consistently wait until the last minute to get dressed, I start feeling like I have nothing to wear because I am too lazy or pressed for time to put together an outfit at 7am or when I have 1 hour until I go out. If I take the time the night before to try on a bunch of things, I will usually discover 1 or more new outfits I can make with clothing I already have. Just this weekend, I was able to do this twice and this was after almost having a nervous breakdown on Friday about how little I have to wear and how little money I have to buy new things. Now I have a bunch of things I am looking forward to wearing.
2. Bypass the stupid little things knowing that if you wait, you will be able to get something bigger and better. For example, I always have strong food cravings that will lead me to spending $20 on a meal that I eat by myself for lunch. I now force myself to eat at home or to buy something really cheap like a bagel if I am just by myself. It's just such a temporary happiness to eat something you really like, unless it is a social thing and you are out with your friends.
I would say stay away from fashion mags or shopping threads that will tempt you. I know every month I get my Lucky I always end up wanting to shop.
Also, if you really want something, since you are not on a total ban, wait like 2 weeks before you buy it. That might help the compulsive part. Often after two weeks I will no longer want something, or if it is no longer there then it wasn't meant to be.
Maybe try honing your bargain-hunting skills? When FH was in college we were suuuuuuper broke, I'm talking we qualified for public assistance super broke, I'd go bargain hunting. When I felt the urge to go shopping, I'd go. However, I made 'shopping' different from 'buying'. Go to your favorite mall and see what amazing things you can find for $10, $15, $20.
Or, try setting out in search of some very specific and equally obsure item. It always works for me! You can never seem to find exactly what it is that you're looking for!
Or, go shopping. Find tons of things you like and would normally buy. Instead of buying them, put the item(s) back and put the exact amount they would have cost you in a savings account (this is easier to do if you can manage your banking schtuffs online). At the end of the month, you'll be amazed at how much money you have in the account! As your reward, you get to buy one of the items you had to put back.
Have you already calculated what you've spent on shopping per month in the last couple months? That may give you a good starting off point ...
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Certainly don't deprive yourself of shopping because when you get the chance to spend, you might overspend.
My advice (it might work for you too): Remind yourself that there aren't that many great things in the store. Look around and you'll see that everything is just plain. I like basic type clothing but I have so much of 'em that I know I don't need more. I don't care for shopping anymore, especially lately. When I go to the mall, I just think, "Gosh, there isn't anything *special* for me to spend my money on." I got a pretty black/white lace dress this past weekend and it's the first clothing purchase since coming back from an out-of-country trip (which was a month ago) and all the things I got there were tailored to my specification.
Here's what I'm going to do next month: Have a clothing swap w/ your buds! I invited just a few people, and they can bring someone if they want. Everyone will bring their clothes and we'll just switch! I need to get my shopping fix somehow!!!
Do you and the hubby like to make wagers? That is how I managed to stay on the wagon for 3 months of absolutely no shopping. The bf and I made a wager and I stuck to it hard core because I HAD to win the bet. Maybe you could make a bet that you'll only spend X amount a month of week. Just make sure that the prize is worth winning. I got a very nice steak dinner and a new pair of TR's. Oh, not to mention a whole lot more money in my savings account.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Get inpired by Stylethreaders and mix and match my clothes more so it feels like I'm wearing new stuff
You'd be surprised how well this can work. When I met my husband, and we would travel together, I was always amazed by how easily he packed for trips. Nearly his entire wardrobe is designed to color-coordinate - either with black, which is easy, or with neutrals - he has so many shades of cream, olive green, tans and browns - he could just throw a bunch of outfits together easily and not have to bring 15 items of clothing.
I, on the other hand, had a tendency to just buy whatever I liked at the time, even if it didn't match much else I owned (I wear jeans a LOT, so my rationale was always that "it will go with jeans"). Over the past two or three years though, I have pinned down some color combos that I always enjoy, and I look for things that will work with what's already in my closet. This has made me more versatile in making up outfits from what I already own, and keeps my impulse shopping to a minimum. It was hard for me to mix and match my clothes much at first, because I didn't buy with "outfits" in mind, but rather bought single items...but now I have quite a wide variety of outfits I can make up just from my own closet. And it's much more fun for me to get dressed!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
i think you're off to a great start! I don't usually do b & m store that much (i am trying to save gas money), but i window shop compulsively online. Actually not really, i let you girls post things, then i go to the site its from. I used to know what every online store, chain and boutique, was selling at every moment. Not anymore- i just don't have enough money to spend $150 on a cute top unless I love it. I also use magazines a lot- bookmarking pieces and outfits i like, that makes more of a delay, so by the time i can actually buy it, i will have thought it out. For example, i saw my vena cava top in Lucky over a month ago, and had plenty of time to think about it. I find that when I compulsively buy something, i don't often love it as much as the things I think harder about or things that I "need", ie. gaps in my wardrobe. I know some girls make excel spreadsheets, maybe you can do that or make a list of some outfits that you would like to try and the pieces that you need to make all these outfits. Try to come up with maybe 5 pieces you would like and then look in your closet for about 15 new outfits you can make with these pieces. Then make it a scavenger hunt for these pieces- but don't settle on the first ones you see, weigh your options for about a month at least. I have had black suede flats on my list for about a year, and i'm only finally considering a pair. Also, as soon as I have a steady income again, i'm going to make an ING account that is just for shopping. Then I will set aside a certain amount each month, and every time i make a cc purchase for clothes/accessories, im going to transfer that amt. into my checking from the clothing account. I won't spend when the account is empty. That way i'm stuck to a budget, and if i spend less one month, the money will be in my account for next month, so i can maybe make a splurge purchase. I also think its a good idea to "pay yourself" ie your savings, first, so that you don't think you have extra money to spend. Just put it away and forget about it (unless its in stocks, which if you forget about it, you might lose half your money, like me )
lynnie's suggestions are great! very similar to what i do. here are my tips.
honestly, chicago has some of the best shopping in the u.s. and i RARELY go to b&m stores (except tj maxx and marshalls...but that's mostly for housewares, shoes, and lingerie). i just find that i spend more when i go to shopping.
i'm also a firm believer that if you don't know what's out there, you can't miss it.
that being said, i do shop, i just shop online. i have a dorky little spreadsheet which helps me keep focused.
i also have binders of magazine cut outs that i will pull out from time to time to remind me out outfits that i like or a lot of times i have the outfit except for one piece so i will add that to my spreadsheet and be on a search for that item.
someone mentioned this, but when you're trying to find a specific item, it's impossible.
play around in your closet. someone also mentioned this, but when you spend more time finding something to wear, you might actually find you have clothes. when i'm in a hurry i always think that i don't have clothes.
if you haven't already, give yourself a budget. i have a daily budget. it is so much easier to stick to a number than a ballpark.
i agree with farrah's idea of making a bet, especially if you're a competitive person.
also, take your kids when you when you shop and tell them specifically what you can and can't buy, they will be great helpers in curbing your spending (i made the mistake of telling the girl that i baby-sat for that i was giving up soda for lent...let's just say i got an iced tea instead )
hth. good luck.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Great advice girls! I'm surprised no one has mentioned coupons & discount codes/offers.
When you shop online, search land & sea for a discount code, or pass on it.
Subscribe to a points earning site that rewards you for shopping. EBATES.com rewards you a certain % of your purchase and MyPoints.com gives you points for opening their emails & shopping as well. You can then redeem your points for GC to Macys, Target, etc.
Old Navy is one store that often puts out couponsaveraging about 20% off your purchase, Department stores like JCP & Robinsons May always have really good early bird specials and coupons in the paper.
For Grocery/Food shopping, I subscribe to the Sunday newspaper and cut out all the coupons and sort them in a CD folder. I HATE spending a lot of money on food, cuz it means I'll have less clothes shopping $$$, so coupons is like free money. Some grocery stores double coupons and combined w/the store ad, it adds up to big savings. For example, I never pay for: toothpaste, pasta, tomato sauce because I buy it when its on sale and combined w/a double coupon.
Some restaurants have Family Days when kids eat free or half off, same w/amusement parks,
For the Doctor, does your or your hubby's employer offer a flex medical card? You commit to a yearly $amt and each paycheck it takes out a little chunk of the yearly BEFORE taxes and puts it into a Medical use ONLY VISA. I never pay out of pocket when we go to the DR. or buy meds cuz I just use the Medical VISA.
To save Gas, walk to places close by (good exercise), take the bus sometimes (kids love this for some reason), pump regular & shop around for the lowest price. I saw a report on 20/20 that its basically all the same, no need to pay xtra for Techron, GTX stuff (unless you're a NASCAR driver).