One of my close friends is getting married. Before getting engaged, she wasn't the type who dreamed about her wedding. Now that she's got a big, fat ring she's done a complete 180 which is really funny. Since my life is boring, I live vicariously through her and all of her wedding plans and we email a lot.
Today she sent me an email and the subject was "What STD do you like best." Umm, my first thought was that she is the biggest weirdo and was asking about herpes, AIDS, crabs, gonorehha, chlymidia, etc. Yeah, apparently an STD is also a "Save the Date" invitation. I figured that out when I opened the email.
That always make me giggle when I see the that STD! I am such a dork! I know that I completely changed thoughts once I was really engaged. The ring has weird powers!
On a related note, at my pre-cana last weekend we had a lecture on NFP (Natural Family Planning)- all I could think of was Not for Profit! It seriously took me like 10 minutes to figure out what the hell they were talking about!