Just as there are codes to help us navigate our verbal communication behavior, there are codes or "rules" for nonverbal behavior. For example, when you are in an elevator you face the door and refrain from making eye contact with others. This is an unspoken social rule which most people follow. Breaking this rule would most likely cause discomfort in those around you.
For this homework assignment you are to break a nonverabl code, such as in the above example, and write up the results. You may chose to stand too closely to someone in a line, to maintain too little or too much eye contact during a conversation, or to break some of the prescribed nonverbal behavior for your gender. These are just some examples, feel free to deviate from these and come up with a "violation" of your own.
any ideas on which rules I can violate?
I can't think of anything other than the examples that were given. tia!
When you see a man about to open a door, you could run up ahead of him and open the door for him. Maybe make a "let me help you with that sweetie" comment.
When you go eat with someone, you can try sitting next to them instead of sitting directly across from them, which is more common....i like cricket's idea tho..that would be funny!
OOOH, this is a little similar to Claudia's, but I saw this on Candid Camera once. The lady who worked for Candid Camera went to a close to empty movie theater (probably a movie that was out awhile). There were maybe 2 couples in the whole theater. She sat right next to the couple that was in there together, just like it was nothing new. It was hilarious!
OOOH, this is a little similar to Claudia's, but I saw this on Candid Camera once. The lady who worked for Candid Camera went to a close to empty movie theater (probably a movie that was out awhile). There were maybe 2 couples in the whole theater. She sat right next to the couple that was in there together, just like it was nothing new. It was hilarious!
my coworker does this on a regular basis. he says he HAS to sit in the exact middle of the theater, even if there is one other person & they are sitting in the middle, he will sit right next to them. he related one story in which the couple got up & moved!
my other coworkers (in my dept.) and i used to experiment w/ the elevator one all the time. every time we would go to lunch we would do weird stuff on the way down like face the wall of the elevator, or stand really close to eachother. we thought we were hilarious, of course!
as far as new ideas... maybe listen & make comments when someone talks on a cell phone in front of you? i don't pick up when i'm with someone, but i have friends who do in front of me and i think it'd be pretty funny if you just kept on talking to them or made comments on their conversation.
ok, i just realized that's verbal... oops, but my coworker said you could dance in random locations or you could take pictures of strangers. how's that?
I always thought it would be funny (when it's only you and one other person in the elevator) to tap the other person on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you...
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Stand too close when talking with someone. Make too much severe eye contact. Roll your eyes in inappropriate times when someone is talking to you (explain to them later that it's an assignment). Funny story: My friends coworker, a male, always stares at her crotch when they're talking. He's kind of a dorkier guy so he's probably just nervous and is afraid to make eye contact. But still, look at the floor, not the girl's crotch!
This is so funny. I don't think I would have the guts to pull any of these things off. I would probably write up fake results. I would love to hear what you decide to do and how it goes! PLEASE post the outcome! I will live vicariously through you.
When I took psych in HS, we had one project where this poor kid had to make a fake booger (out of rubber cement), make it obviously hang out his nose during an entire lunch period (while talking to people) and write down the results. It was hilarious!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Thanks girls! Everyone has been giving me ideas and I've been laughing my head off. I was thinking of probably doing fake results, but I don't know. I need a lil bit more guts.
Would going to a restaurant and staring at people be a good idea?
Or pointing? what do you guys think?
Ahh, I don't know what to do. I know that I do not want to do it my college, because they'll be like ugh, thats the weirdo who was staring at me or what not. lol
oh boy all of these ideas make me laugh. Oo a close talker is a good idea as well and I can do that with people I already know. that'll be fun.
I used to waitress at Denny's when I was 18. I would get so bored I stared doing my pie experiment... I am by nature a very orderly person, you know, a perfectionist. When I served people their pie I would face the point of the pie in different directions and bet with my coworkers how they would adjust it. I got it down pretty well. The funniest is when I would put it where the pie crust was closest to them. This was always adjusted and usually got me dirty looks.
What about Ignoring lines. If you go into a bathroom where there is a line just walk by it and use the next availavle without even acknowledging you were doing something wrong.
Try going to the grocery store and taking things out of other peoples baskets while commenting that you have always wanted to try this.
You could also sit uninvited with someone at a restraunt.
These may be a bit over the top but they make me giggle.
Yeah I took a Speech class, and out teacher made us do the elevator thing but I felt bad for the person that walked on the elevator because it was like 3 people in out group and we all just stared at the person, who needless to say you could tell was very uncomfortable
Talk on your cell phone, really loudly, in a small, crowded area or at the table at a restaurant. Discuss inappropriate things like your gas problem or your horrible cramps.
Blow your nose at the table at a restaurant, or better yet, pick your nose
Ask someone in a restaurant if you can have a taste of their meal.
Apparently, I think that restaurants are a great place for this little experiment. Let us know what you end up doing and how it turns out.
Edited b/c I missed the 'nonverbal' code the first time around:
Here's the new ideas.
don't turn your ringer off on your cell phone while in a quiet restaurant. Have someone call you incessantly and just let it ring and ring and ring. This works for a movie theater situation, too.
Eye up someone else's table, reach over and grab a roll out of their basket.
Blowing your nose would still probably work. Bonus points for leaving the snot rag lay on the table.