Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen out of the blue and if there are any fun/cute stories!
I'm posting this too because I just had this happen to me and I'm still shocked/excited about it. My story is basically this: I got an email from someone from MySpace yesterday and my only thought at first was "Oh great, another stupid junk email from MySpace". I went to read it and guy that had sent it was mentioning how he hadn't seen me since high school and wanted to know how Ames (my town) was.
At this point, I'm beyond curious as to who this is, so I start looking at his photos. I don't recognize them at ALL, but notice that part of my profile name is his actual name, which is Dan. I can only think of one Dan from HS at this point and the pictures were certainly not his.
I decide to email the guy back and just ask for his last name because I can't seem to recall who he is at the moment.
When he emailed me back with who he is, my mouth totally dropped open: It was a guy I graduated with, but he was the guy to give me my first kiss (and makeout sessions ). And, based on the photos, he got freakin' HOT since high school!! It's also been 8 years since I've talked to him
Anyways, we've emailed and just today talked on AIM. He gave me his AIM name, email, and phone number and today was completely hitting on me. I'm in shock still I think and I just cannot get over how hot he really did get. In fact, here's a pic because I'm drooling and want to share
no cute stories at the moment, but wow, what a cutie. Kind of looks like Jake Gyllenhaal, love of my life. That would be so cute if you started dating =) I do have to admit that I saw a guy from my high school last halloween at a college party (it had been almost 4 years since we'd seen each other at that point), a guy that all the girls liked but i actually never liked (in that way) and thought was kind of overrated (i liked losers in hs- not the popular kids). We passed on the stairs and I said his name and he said mine and we had the shortest convo, me basically being a geek like, you remembered my name. Well, i'm still thinking about how cute he was/is and thinking, damn, i should have had a crush on him in hs! Maybe it would have been cliche, but he's very cute and has that certain..something. Ok, i feel lame lusting after this guy from hs, but it was like, part of me was brought back to how i was back then, and how much i really wanted to know what it was like to date the star football player, even if it was just for a day Sigh. Nostalgia is very powerful, and i feel like people that bring me back are always the ones with the strongest hold on me. I have a great bf now, i just was kinda shy in hs. I am kind of embarassed by my crush on this guy, four years too late, that i may delete my post soon
Not anything romantic, but I reconnected with a good friend of mine from HS through classmates.com, and she was so excited to hear from me. After graduation I moved out of NYC for like 6 years and just lost touch with a bunch of people, and of all of them, she was the one I missed the most. She's writing a novel and has read her poetry at coffee houses and stuff, so we still have a bunch in common. So cool!
Classmates was good for something, and I didn't even have to pay for the GOLD membership
"I am tired of being your savior/ And I am tired of telling you why"- ani difranco, "Origami"
Isn't he hot though? I don't think dating will happen, simply because he lives in NY and I'm in Iowa. I also don't technically know if he's even single. But, I can still drool over his photos!
jacL wrote: He is really cute! Was he cute at all in HS?
Well, that's the thing. I obviously thought he was cute in HS or I wouldn't have made out with him , but I don't remember him being as hot as he is in the current photos. He has lost a lot of weight since HS also, so that could be part of it. I don't know, just such a change from what I remember of him
BTW, is it just me, or does he kind've look like the guy from That 70s show, but in the movie where he falls in love with Scarlett Johanssen and becomes her Dad's boss and in general looks much cuter than I remember him looking on that show. (Don't remember the guy's name or the name of the movie, but do y'all know who I mean?)
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Holy hotness! Good for you, CarrieS! BTW, is it just me, or does he kind've look like the guy from That 70s show, but in the movie where he falls in love with Scarlett Johanssen and becomes her Dad's boss and in general looks much cuter than I remember him looking on that show. (Don't remember the guy's name or the name of the movie, but do y'all know who I mean?)
omg, CarrieS, I saw your story on MUA but didn't respond cuz i'm not a regular there. so cute!!
as for me, i reconnected w/ a guy i had a HUGE crush on in HS through myspace. it was cool at first, but after HS he stopped growing & i got cuter so when it came to dating he was like drooling all over me which totally turned me off. sorry, it's not a cute story, but good luck w/ your guy!!
omg, CarrieS, I saw your story on MUA but didn't respond cuz i'm not a regular there. so cute!! as for me, i reconnected w/ a guy i had a HUGE crush on in HS through myspace. it was cool at first, but after HS he stopped growing & i got cuter so when it came to dating he was like drooling all over me which totally turned me off. sorry, it's not a cute story, but good luck w/ your guy!!
Hee hee, isn't it great when you get cuter than someone you drooled over in HS?
Yup, I posted that day on MUA because I was in shock and HAD to post it somewhere w/instant responses
Carrie! How strange...that pic looks VERY much like a friend of mine who lives in NYC...but his name is Joe. And he is from the Boston area, not Iowa.....how freaky!!!