This is a real listing from craigslist in the Dallas area. I die laughing every single time I think about it - I mean REALLY!!!!!!
Free: Bean bags in good condition, smell slightly of cat piss Reply to: removed to protect this crazy's identity Date: 2005-08-18, 10:14AM CDT
Black, pleather bean bag and accompanying bean bag footstool (or kid size bean bag), in good condition, with a bit of cat piss scent.
For some reason my cats occasionally like to use these bean bags as a toilet, though only for pee, NO cat poo smell or residue.
I’ve tried to clean the bean bags with enzyme cleaners specifically for cat pee but my cat’s pee must be super cat pee, it will not budge.
Maybe you don’t mind cat pee and would like a bean bag, maybe you can’t smell anything, maybe you’d like the bean bag for your cat to keep her from peeing where she is currently peeing, maybe you want to give it to someone as a really mean joke? Either way, they are free. Pick up in Denton please.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
OMG--- That's so funny! Hope she still has them. I'll give her a call.
That reminds me of one of the "headlines" that Leno does each week. An actual ad for a yard sale : "Used mens boxers. Mens size 4X. Could be re-used to make dish towels, pillowcases, etc.". Sounds yummy!!!
Thanks for that . I had a crappy day at work and my feet hurt. It took me 5 minutes to read that because I was laughing so hard i kept losing my place and starting over. I have tears running down my face now!