I don't know why but I cant get into the Shopping and Beauty threads today. I just cant take my eyes away from the General and Current Event Sections. With all of the tragedy and bad news we have gotten in the past week, I really cant focus on the next sweater I am going to buy. I almost wish I could get into the more light-hearted sections but I almost feel guilty doing so.
If this (hurricane, politics, accidents etc etc) is big enough to take my mind off shopping, it must be BIG!
I just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way..
I feel the same way. I've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I don't feel like doing anything frivilous at all, but I'm trying to cheer up because I have two young children at home w/ me. I just feel like I'm going to cry every time I turn the TV on, yet I do turn on CNN, and I cry again. I need to get away from some of these images for a little while and TRY to concentrate on home life. But this feels like the aftermath of 9/11, and I can't seem to get it out of my head.
gosh, now i feel bad for posting in "shopping"! maybe it's my way of carving out a little space away from it all. i haven't had much time to watch the news this week (although i've been listening to the reports on NPR) since my mom has been in the hospital since tuesday. she's home now and she's fine but it's sort of distanced me from all the tragedy and crazieness.
gosh, now i feel bad for posting in "shopping"! maybe it's my way of carving out a little space away from it all.
i agree. i woke up and turned it on this morning and after watching it i just felt really sad and sorry for those people. i can't even imagine what they are going through. i am so frustrated that something like this could happen, so i tried to run away my anger at the gym. it helped (a bit).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
gosh, now i feel bad for posting in "shopping"! maybe it's my way of carving out a little space away from it all. i haven't had much time to watch the news this week (although i've been listening to the reports on NPR) since my mom has been in the hospital since tuesday. she's home now and she's fine but it's sort of distanced me from all the tragedy and crazieness.
Don't feel bad. We all need to get away from it a little bit. It's very hard, though. I felt guilty the other night for turning off CNN and watching something else to get my mind off it.
i feel the same way. i can't stop thinking about all of those people.
after 9/11, my old boyfriend had to institute a "CNN ban" after i stayed up for 24 hours straight watching it and crying and worrying. i think i might have to do that for myself this time. watching the footage over and over again can't be that healthy.
Yes, but at the same time it doesn't do anyone any good to just sit around and sulk about it. We need to do what we can (donations, volunteering) and go on with our life and keep the people of NO and surrounding areas in our thoughts and prayers.
I agree with FP...also, we DO need to keep shopping & keep money flowing into the economy.
This tragedy has bothered me a lot, but I am doing all I can, and trying to keep my mind off of it the rest of the time. I don't even remember being this affected and upset about 9/11, which obviously was a bigger concern, at least safety-wise, for the whole country. I think it's scary to think that in this day and age of technology, we are still so much at the mercy of nature.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I feel exactly the same way. I have been glued to the internet and cnn for days. When I'm on this forum, I've spent more time reading the posts in the current event section as well. I don't judge anyone for posting in the shopping section at all though, I think it is healthy to move on with your life, take a break from all these horrific accounts and contribute to the economy, I just have been unable to do it much today. I'm supposed to be planning some things to do for us this weekend but I'm just not in the mood. Hubby and I were talking tonight about how we wish we could physically help by giving these people food and water. I don't want to just donate money, I want to go down there and do something for these poor people. During times like these, I really wish I were a trained volunteer, nurse or other care professional. I'm just sick of watching the news and not being able to do anything about this. My heart just breaks for these people.
I'm terribly distracted and upset by the whole thing. BF and I never watch TV but we've spent most of our evenings digesting news coverage about Katrina and good grief it kills me that I can't help that much either (I can't afford to leave my job and volunteer for the Red Cross, much as I'd like to). But I am trying to focus and go about my life because sulking forever doesn't help the situation.