this one will realy get you, as buying four new tires about 8 months ago, at walmart, then knowing, there was something in it, with a chunck of rubber gone, after comeing home one night of shoping, we hit something. the next morning, yes, i had a flat tire. took it to walmart to get fixed. can you believe the guy said there was nothing in it, and put a patch on it. i was soooo upset. the next night, i was realy mad. i went to get in car, from work, in parking lot, with a flat. no one around, i get my cell phone, to call the manager at walmart, and tell them what i think. had to get a wrecker to get my car home. air it up for the next morning to take back up there. went straight to the manager. and beleive you me, i got a new tire, and just like the one that was on there.
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!