As many of you know, my father in law died almost a year ago on my husbands b-day. I am making a scrapbook for my husband with sections of my FIL's life. Each page is a different chapter of his life with a title and definition. THese are the definitions I needed....
I especially need a better more sentimental one for grandad and wanted feedback on what you thought of the others.
ANy websites out there besides sentimental sayings?
mer·chant ma·rine(mûr ch nt) (m -r n )n. The personnel of a nation's commercial ships.
hus·band (h z b nd) n. : A woman's partner in marriage. A single sole dwelling in two bodies.
fa·ther (fä th r) n. : The most important man in his child’s life.
best man (b st) (m n) n. : The principal groomsman at a wedding.
part·ner: (pärt n r) n. 1: One of a pair or team in work or play. 2: an associate who works with others toward a common goal
grand·fa·ther (gr nd fä th r) n. : The father of one's mother or father.
Grandchildren are God’s way
of compensating
us for growing old.
One of the most powerful handclasps is that
of a new grandbaby
around the finger of a grandfather.
The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Joseph Campbell
Memories – that which is created as present becomes past.
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one. has definitions that are submitted by normal people for everyday sayings. There are a lot of negative definitions but if you sift through them, there are usually a few good ones.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland