How old is he? Is he neutered? Make sure you REALLY get the pee and smell out of your couch. Otherwise he'll pee there again. Just keep showing him the litterbox. Don't ever punish him though. Even if it seems to you like he should make the connection btw peeing outside his litterbox and being punished, even if you were to catch him in the act, he won't make that connection. If you see him looking like he might be deciding to go, then you can pick him up and put him in his litterbox. But during or after the act it's too late to do anything about it except clean up the spot super well. I recommend Nature's Miracle. You should be able to buy it at your local PetSmart or similar store.
Hmm neither of my kitties have ever peed outside the box before but my friends cat did and it was because he had a bladder infection. So if he does it again I would take him to a vet just to rule that out. I agree on the nature's miracle. That will get the smell out. Some cats also pee out of aggression, my friends cat hater her boyfriend and used to pee in his overnight bag every time eh came over. They also may pee if the litter box is not clean. That's all I know. Here is a good article with some good tips as well.
Well, I just went through training with 5 kitties, so I think I might be an expert!!! Some of them went in the box & never went anywhere else, but 2 of them would sporadically go elsewhere.
Definatley clean that spot with all your might - spray with enzyme (sp?) spray from the pet store - kitties have ridiculous sensitive sniffers so even if you can't smell it, they may be able to. Until this issue is resolved, i'd put aluminum foil or something else crinkly that they hate over that spot.
I followed them around all the time when I thought they were maybe going to try to go somewhere outside the box. You can see / hear them scratching like they are looking for a new place to go. Keep your box clean clean - I mean scoop every day so they will like to go there. I mean really, I hate this more than anything, but I must admit, it would gross me out to dig & discover even my own poo - I read that somewhere & that is the picture that convinced me!! LOL
Good luck & please please post pictures - now that mine are gone & the ones that are still here are bigger, I really miss my little baby kitties!!!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I have had cats my whole life (I have two now) and when they were kittens they had a problem too. They would go anywhere, so after they would eat I would watch them and when I saw them about to do the deed, I picked them up and carried them to the litter box. Eventually, after about a month, they learned where it was. They were only 5 weeks old when I got them so it took them awhile to learn.
There is some spray that you can buy at the vet to spray on the urine stain on your couch that is supposed to prevent them from going back to that spot. HTH.