I have a I don't know. I was living with a roommate recently until we found out we had to move (landlord selling the place). Everything was fine before we had to move, we hung out, had girl talks etc... No tension what so ever. So like a day or so after we found out we had to move, everything went bad. first I found an apt. in the same location and it was beautiful, 2 bedroom for her and I. Then she tells me that he sister decided she wanted to live with her. So she kind of left me out in the dark. But whatever, I didn't say anything. Then I saw her b/f naked in our house. A little odd but whatever I laughed it off. Everything just started going downhill. For my b-day we were going to have dinner and cupcakes, well then i found out that she was making dinner for her b/f that night and he was coming over. But whatever, honest mistake. She then found out her new place she couldn't move in til 2 weeks after we had to move out. I told her I will try to see if she could live with me (association rules: everyone has to be on the lease) well it turned out she couldn't. I told her and she is said it was ok she was going to live with another friend anyways. So i was like ok. Then all of sudden she just stop speaking to me unless it was something that she wanted, or if i did speak to her she would keep it short and have a attitdue. We never used to close our doors and her door was permantely shut. So i was like okay I did something but I didn't know what. She just started to act werid towards me and she made tension. The whole time i was just relaxed. And then above all after she hasen't spoken to me in a real convo for over 2 weeks she asked if she could store her furnture at my house. I was like No i have no room. But I was really nice about it. She didn't help me clean anything, I cleaned the whole apt. she vaccumed one area while I cleaned. She left everything she didn't want in the apt. and was just an all around snob. When I left that day i was like bye i will talk to you later and she was just like Bye. and she left me a message that the key was underneath the mat, but no like hey, call you later or anything. I just think it is odd that we go from being good friends to like nothing in a matter of a week. The only thing I can think of is that things weren't going her way (she is very her world orientated) and that I couldn't help her out anymore( i let her live with me) I don't know what to think. Now the bills came in and I have to get her half from her, but I don't even know what to say, she is just so mean and has an attitude. URRGGHHH sorry just had to vent.
Wow, I am sorry, that really sucks. I had a situation with my ex-roommate when she moved to a new city in the middle of our lease. We had been friends for a long time and basically stopped talking because of our differences (she didn't want to pay rent after she moved out which I was totally against...there's more but I won't get into it). I felt so bad about it and I know she did too, but she just couldn't be good friends with me anymore. I called her only for the money (rent and leftover bills) and really have only talked to her a couple times since. We have slowly been getting back on talking grounds but I don't think it will ever be the same. Just get the money that you need to pay those bills and if you decide to pursue it, be slow about it, time is the only thing that will mend the friendship (although it sounds like she is just being selfish).
I know exactly how you feel. You are better off just letting it roll off your back. Its probably more about her than it is about you.
My roommate somehow thinks that I did something horrible to her because I decided that I wanted to move back home. Hello! It has nothing to do with you!