How do I cancel a credit card? I want to cancel my Express card since I haven't used it since November at least and get a BR card since I shop there and Gap almost monthly.
And what do i do about cards I'm preapproved for and that are mailed to me but I have to activate them?? I got a store card at a furniture place to finance my couch over 12 months and their financing company (Wells Fargo) approved me for a Visa too that I don't want. Do i just not activate it? Will it go on my credit report if I don't do anything about it? What should I do??
call the number on the back of your cards you want to get rid of and ask for them to close your account and send you a letter stating that they did so. if you no longer have the cards, you can probably find their numbers on their respective websites.
as for the cards you receive but don't activate- no, they do not go on your credit score since you never activated them.
I would actually send them a letter and keep a copy for yourself. I have closed accounts only to have the card company claim that THEY closed the account, rather than ME, which looks bad on your credit. If you've already called, you can still send a follow up letter "I am writing to confirm that in a conversation on blah blah I closed such and such account ..."
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
As for the cards you have but haven't activated. I think that activation is just to USE them. If I recall correctly (and there is a chance I am not) but if they have yearly fees, I think that they can charge them you the unactivated account and demand payment. So, if you have no intent of ever activating it, why not just cancel it and be done? At least call to confirm/deny that what I'm saying (ok, typing) is true.