The butterflies on the baby's walls.... I am going to add more around the windows and one or two around the doors and by the lightswitch. I am due in 6.5 weeks - soooo much to dooooo!!!!
What do you think so far? (these two upclose pics are the closest in color to what they really look like - the far away pics are just to show the placement of them the color is off in those pics)
you are really talented. i love the theme and the color. good luck with your final preparations! how exciting!!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
that is so cute, i love it! definitely beats the strawberry decals i had in my room when i was little (though i did love those decals...)
you must be getting so anxious for her now! i think (and talk, actually - my best friend recently found out she was pregnant, and she's tiny like you and dreading getting fat, and i always tell her "but jen looks SO cute pregnant...") about you often! i hope the next six weeks are great and you get everything you need to done before your little bundle of joy arrives!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
Dot -I did - sort of- use rubber stamps. I was going to do them totally freehand, but my husband worked SOO hard on the room that I was so nervous about messing up the walls. So I found some stamps I liked and used them as a guide....BUT stamping on the wall is not easy - especially a colored wall - I hand painted (freehand) each butterfly with about 4 coats before they looked good. Also - the walls aren't totally the stamp didnt really take in some spots - so its a combo of stamp/freehand work. It's time consuming - but I don't mind - it's relaxing for me.
ASF - Thank you - you made my day!! I have to tell you - I feel like a HIPPO! I have been collecting fall catalogs and drooling over the thought of having some sort of body back and shopping again for real people clothes. For the first time in my life I actually MISS the gym.
Tell your friend though its really not that bad until the last 2 months or so - that is when you are getting REALLY big and it makes things a little harder...but up until then - you can totally still be cute, and active, and fun. 2 weeks ago I spent the day in the city - then went to a party that night - wore heels and I couldn't imagine doing I guess it doesn't matter if I look fat or not, I am not going anywhere these days anyway - it's too hard.
It will all be worth it though - that I know! I was two weeks early - hopefully my baby girl will be the same - which means in 4-7 weeks I'll be a mom - yahoooo!!