I'm moving in about 3 weeks and I've started to look into Utilities over there. I have no clue what to do about electricity since Texas is deregulated and there are so many to choose from. Do any of them have really good or bad reputations? Any suggestions? I am confused!
TXU is the only one I suggest NOT going with. Reliant is the biggest, & easiest to deal with (IMO). TXU was impossible to get ahold of if I ever had any questions, their cs SUCKED. I used to wait on hold for like 15+ mins. & once I waited like 30 & was riled up before they even got on the phone. Grrr!
Southwestern Bell is what we have at home, but its kind of on the expensive side, so you may try something else. I think AT&T has local phone service still, its what I used to have when I had my own place back in the day (sniff, sniff). It was like $29 a month for caller id, call waiting, & then the phone service itself of course.
Let me know if you need any other info! Yey you're coming!!
Thanks for the info. Have you heard anything about gexa? that is who everyone I talk to says is the cheapest. I might try them and switch if I have a problem.
Moving day seems to be really sneaking up on me. I'm excited but still sad in a way to be leaving home. I can't wait for the paychecks and the shopping though!