I'm feeling the need to complain about completely random things. Anyone game? Nothing significant, of course, but little things. I'll start (duh!)...
1. My belly ring hurts for absolutely no reason. I must be sleeping funny or something because lately it's irritating me constantly. Grr. Makes me mad.
2. My desk at work has all these random papers thrown around it from when I was gone for a few days last week. It's very messy and it's terribly irritating. I could clean it up myself but I'm too ticked to actually do it.
3. My stupid cellphone keeps shutting off in the middle of the night so I oversleep (it's my alarm). I'm going to have to pull out my alarm clock now. Annoying.
4. I'm mad I can't/won't/didn't get mad at people who deserved it. Instead I'm terribly nice and I always later want to rant and rave at them.
5. I haven't received my security deposit from my last apartment yet (and it's past 30 days) and I keep calling and they keep saying they're sending it but do I have the check in my hot, little hand? Nope.
Okay, those are mine. Anyone else have any? This made me laugh!!
1. strange my belly ring has been irritating me too lately... not at this exact moment, but still pretty weird u mention it!
2. my desk is too far from the kitchen. when i want to get water i have to walk what feels like miles!!
3. i hate having to figure out what to do about a guy who is clearly in love w/ me but whom i have no interest in.
4. classes are super overwhelming & i've gotta do a research paper of 10-12 pages... i don't think i've ever written that much before!! (keep in mind i was a math major, now i'm going back for accounting & have to take business communications - the root of all evil!)
thanks for listening/reading... i feel a bit better!
- My hair takes forever to dry. I cannot figure out why this is, since it is hot outside, I have thin hair, and live in a dry climate. It's quite annoying.
- My dogs decided to play with every toy in their basket today, and now there are tiny dog-toy parts all over the carpet I just cleaned.
- It's so disgustingly hot outside, it's impossible to go anywhere. And I don't have a pool.
- My husband can barely walk because he decided to re-live his baseball-playing glory days during his company's lame softball game on Friday. He tore up his entire leg by sliding, which everybody knows you don't do unless you're wearing pants. And they lost the game by like a million anyway.
- my neck has been stiff for a week and I don't know why.
- I am so pale, but I refuse to tan. I am the Whitest Person in Phoenix.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
The house is a in complete clutter chaos and it's driving me mad! The ex-bf-person is such a clutterbug.
As if the ex-bf-person isn't bad enough, his dad comes over and makes a mess and doesn't clean up after himself (leaves trash, beer cans, ect sitting everywhere and, of course, I get stuck cleaning it up).
My job is so. boring. All I do is sit and play online all day long (which sounds fun, in theory, but it's really not).
It's so hot and humid, my hair is too long and needs to be cut but I'm on a serious budget right now and can't afford to cut my hair. It's in a perma-french braid or messy bun right now.
I have to move soon and I hate packing up my stuff and moving. I've actually lived here longer than I've lived anywhere in the past 7 years. Weird. And now I have to move again and it sucks.
Okay, that's it for me for now. That was theraputic.
Oh wow...i'll have to limit myself to just a few gripes...
1. I have a final on Friday and I am going to have to basically teach myself the whole course because I've completely blown it off all summer.
2. My best friend is studying abroad in Prague and I miss him like crazy!
3. My desk is also WAY too far from the kitchen...our office is U-shaped and I and the kitchen are on opposite sides of the U.
4. My husband thinks he wants to quit his current job and career path to become a firefighter. The uncertainty scares me, not to mention the danger of the job!
5. My eyes have been killing me. I need to get them checked, I know I need reading glasses, but I am scared of eye exams and don't want to spend money on glasses!
6. I am longing for a pet, but we still rent and it is strictly forbidden.
1. Today is my dad's b-day. I wanted to schedule this day off, but the max amount of people already scheduled more than a month ahead of me! (this one girl, I wonder why she even bothers to still work there!)
2. Tomorrow I get my mini 3 day vacation (I have a 3.5 hour drive). a. Since I had to work today I didn't get a chance to wash my car. b. my car is super muddy from the big rain storm. c. It's suppose to be nice tomorrow which I like but I will have to wear a hat, gloves, a black long sleeve blazer just so I don't get that damn rash from the sunlight when I'm driving my car.
3. My left eye has been hurting at times this past week. I'm debating if I should go to my eye doctor and pay the $70 for an exam. I could use a new prescription and put new lenses in my frames though. That will cost more money.
4. Yesterday morning I somehow smacked my left arm with my right arm in bed. It hurt a bit, and then was a little sore all day. Yesterday evening the bf was playing around and grabbed my arm and that hurt like a bitch. The rest of the night I was wondering if it was broken since it hurt my arm to even move my thumb in the slightest and the damn pain wouldn't go away. Today it just slightly hurts like a bruise. So I don't know what in the hell I did to it. Maybe I'm just too brittle!
5. My hair looks like crap today. I don't know what I should do with it. I need to get a cut, but would rather get a wavy perm so I don't need to flat iron anymore.
1. There are not enough hours in the day for me to get everything done. And the gym is the first thing to cut out when there's not enough time.
2. My puppy is a terror. I am really tired of trying to control him and its only been 4 days.
3. I haven't had sleep since Friday night (pre-dog). I was dozing off driving to work this morning.
4. I don't have enough to do right now at work, which is almost a good thing, since I'm so tired I cant concentrate on anything.
5. My husband is perfect and I wish I could be more like him. (his life is insane and he ALWAYS holds everything together.. even talking me off a different ledge practically everyday)
6. I hate having to save money. We are going to be moving in the Fall and we are desparate for cash so that we can put down a bigger down payment on the house.
1. I have to grocery shopping and I just don't want to
2. My FH is having a guys weekend this week and all his friend are coming in to town and I'm stuck staying at a hotel to avoid the whole drunken lot of them
3. Then the next weekend he's out of town again to start clearing out his fathers house
4. When my FH gets home he spends 2 hours paying bills because he is in charge of his father estate and has to take care of his bills plus our bills plus the bills for our two vacation homes.
5. I'm trying to plan a wedding and we're never in town or he's never in town or if we are in town we have people visiting
6.I got a parking ticket for being parked at an expired meter and I wasn't even parked at a meter!!!!
7. I woke up to my cat eating her own vomit today
8 Yesterday on the train a man exposed his penis to me
Ok I'm done.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I probably can't equate Collette, but here are mine.
I have to write a damn paper and I keep delaying. What's wrong with me, I don't know, I have all the data, pics and the material for the intro, and even an outline! Am I scared to actually accomplish something?
I am going back and forth to work to another university, and every time I come back from that lab my eyes burn really bad. It takes 3 days to get back to normal.
During those work-trips, I spend the whole time with a colleague. Who is male, and engaged. And we are talking a lot. I mean, really a lot: somethings I don't say to anyone else! And I think this is getting very dangerous. For me, I mean.
I am very much into biking, and my bike, as much as I love her, is not a good one. Is actually a crappy one. But I don't have the money to buy a decent bike.
guess that's it. I'll write more as it comes up
of course I found more
I need a haircut, but I can't find a decent salon; I am almost done trying all of them here. I am about to stop women on the street to ask where they get their hair cut
my hair looks better the day after I wash it. ANd 2 days after. And even 3 days after. But at that point it's gross, and I really HAVE to wash it.
2. I am lazy but I feel like I have to go and execrise and I have good intentions but it is just to freakin hot
3. there is another Tropical Storm Brewing, hopefully it doesn't hit, I know this sounds bad but I am just not in the mood for it to be hurricane season
4. I just found out yesterday that I have to move, and I don't want to, I love my apt, and I hate change
5. My b-day is coming up and like every year I get to excited about it and then I end of getting disappointed. I still have the fanasty that my b-day is magical.
6. I want new clothes I just don't know what; I am and have been in a fashion rut.
7. I went to Saks last week and the lady said the bag I want (MJ blake; tapolia sp?) was on sale for $375 and she could ship it to me from another store, 5 days later she said there was no more left.
If there is still enough pity to go around, I'll join in.
We still don't have enough money. Somehow we make 3 times the amount now that I was making in Spokane, but we still don't have enough money to save for all the crap we need to save for. WTF?!
I do nothing all day. I take FH to work, come home and screw around on the internet and watch trashy TV, and go pick FH up from work. I accomplish almost exactly nothing all day every day and if I had it my way that's how it would be for the rest of my life.
There are careers that I would like to do but I don't want to do them badly enough to get a 4 year degree. So I do nothing instead. I'm a little afraid that I just don't like to work.
I'm afraid that no one will come to our wedding.
I need to lose 10 more lbs and they will. not. budge. I know I won't be able to keep them off.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
LMonet wrote: If there is still enough pity to go around, I'll join in.
There are careers that I would like to do but I don't want to do them badly enough to get a 4 year degree. So I do nothing instead. I'm a little afraid that I just don't like to work. I'm afraid that no one will come to our wedding.
Is there a way for you to find a job that would put you in contact with people who have those careers you love? Stupid example: if you'd like to be a cook, you might try being a kitchen help or a waitress (it's just an example). So you can watch closely what those jobs are about and decide whether it's worth going back to school. Besides, once you get started, I think school is fun, if you are studying something you like.
As for the wedding: you guys seem really nice persons, why should nobody come?
Wow, I am in agreement that nothing I have to say will sound as bad as Collette's post, but here are a few:
--Lately I have been blushing a lot for no reason, and people at work pick on me about it constantly. I can feel my face turning beet red and people will point at me and say, "Look, her face is turning red!" which of course only makes it worse.....
--My boyfriend is putting in .001% effort into finding another engineering job, so I am supporting the 2 of us and we currently have no money. Today for lunch, I brought 2 slices of bread so that I can have toast.
--I really need a hair cut and need to wait for the aforementioned reason....
--There was a windy rainy storm last week and it caused many of a tree's branches to hang down over our driveway, partially blocking it. So each day and night when I leave and come home, I have to drive through my jungle-y forest of a driveway and I know it's probably scratching my car!
Is there a way for you to find a job that would put you in contact with people who have those careers you love? Stupid example: if you'd like to be a cook, you might try being a kitchen help or a waitress (it's just an example). So you can watch closely what those jobs are about and decide whether it's worth going back to school. Besides, once you get started, I think school is fun, if you are studying something you like. As for the wedding: you guys seem really nice persons, why should nobody come?
I HATE school. Even if I did get a job working in close company with a career I'm interested in and really liked it, the need for any kind of degree instantly makes me not like it anymore. School feels like a waste of precious years.
As for the wedding, it's an irrational fear. In my school years, I was the kid who didn't have a lot of friends - I was actually officially 'outcasted' in junior high. I've had a hard time making friends ever since, because I'm afraid people won't like me so I just don't reach out. At this time, the 3 friends that I do have are all invited to the wedding, but only 1 of them is coming (the other 2 live 6 hrs away). Basically I'm afraid that people don't like us enough to make the effort. It sounds totally stupid when I type it out, but it's hard to shake. Isn't there a saying like 'It takes 1000 good things to erase the 1 bad thing...'.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Kel wrote: 5. My b-day is coming up and like every year I get to excited about it and then I end of getting disappointed. I still have the fanasty that my b-day is magical. 6. I want new clothes I just don't know what; I am and have been in a fashion rut.
Those two things are exactly how I feel. My birthday is coming up too and you put it exactly how I feel. I always have felt like birthdays are magical and I REALLY end up disappointed and depressed a few days after, like "this is it"? And it boggles my mind that some people don't do anything on their birthdays and treat it like every other day.
As for the clothes, I've never really considered myself fashionable b/c it costs too much money to buy the good fashionable stuff, so I am ALWAYS in a rut.
My hair is naturally curly but was chemically straightened last October and this morning one half of my head curled and the other half was straight...I hate humidity.
My whole family is on vacation (I mean the whole family in laws and everything) and I'm stuck at work because I just started and don't have any time off yet.
Kel wrote: 5. My b-day is coming up and like every year I get to excited about it and then I end of getting disappointed. I still have the fanasty that my b-day is magical. Those two things are exactly how I feel. My birthday is coming up too and I you put it exactly how I feel. I always have like birthdays are magical and I REALLY end up disappointed and depressed a few days after, like "this is it"? And it boggles my mind that some people don't do anything on their birthdays and treat it like every other day.
Oh, yeah, my bday is coming up to and I just want to hide my head in the sand and deny that it's happening. Yet another year has escaped me and I've accomplished zilch as far as any kind of career. I am so freaking depressed today. I just want to sit here and cry. I'm having THE pity party, not just A pity party.
mine are pretty lame- i'm not really having a bad day:
1) I miss my bf. He is in NY, four hours away.
2) I don't feel like finding an apartment there, i want someone else to find it for me.
3) I don't want to ever work a 9-5. Ew the thought of it makes me queasy. MAX- 2 years at a 9-5. I am more of a creative person and would rather support myself through my own business.
4) I want to fly out to L.A. (and meet up with you L.A girls!) to see one of my friends but my friend (that is better friends with this girl) doesn't have enough money to go with me. I want to travel, period, but I have no one to go with me.
5) My room is a mess.
6) I am very afraid of another terrorist attack, and I am very afraid of driving over 60 mph.
7) I need to contact my old boss- he owes me between $500 and $900- but I'm scared to call.
8) I want to be in great shape but be able to eat whatever I want (within reason.) I have been thinking about pizza for a while now.