A friend of my MIL's just had a baby (she is a lot younger than my MIL) I am friendly with her through my MIL but she is not really a friend of mine...make sense?
I already bought her some baby stuff for her shower...I want to go over and see her and the baby when she is ready - instead of bringing a gift though - I was thinking of cooking something for her - a lasagne or something for her to freeze and have in the house - do you think that is ok? Or should I buy something for the baby?
I would bring over a lasagna. Maybe some salad too. Especially since you already bought her something. Food was greatly appreciated after my daughter's births, especially the second since I was so busy. Love me some lasagna. I have a GREAT recipe, btw, if you're interested.
Oh I think a meal is a great gift. People really appreciate not having to cook when something important is going on in their life. My mom cooks when people are sick, death in the family, etc.
A friend of mine did something similar for our friend when she had a baby. She brought over food and she set it all up for her and her hubby to eat so and they visited while she set it all up and she played with the baby while they had dinner just the two of them. Our friend was really grateful because she was so frazzled with the baby she really didn't feel like cooking let alone thinking that she would be able to have a mean with just her hubby. Hubby was grateful too.
I think your idea is perfect!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln