it is back to work tomorrow. I feel have been feeling blah about the new year already so I have decided I HAVE to find some things to look forward to for the month. Here's my list:
-I am so excited about my new Momagenda planner. Stupid, I know, but it is pink and green and totally cute. I bought the retractable sharpies that don't bleed and some pink and green gel pens to use in it. -Also, I am loving my new gym. We were able to join a new one with my husband's corporate discount and it is the same price as the YMCA we used to belong to but this place is sooo much plusher and upscale. I look forward to getting much use out of it. -I am excited about all the coupons that were in the paper today. I need to get back on the coupon train and I made my hubby go out and buy 6 papers today so I start getting organized and getting stocked up with lots of free after coupon items. -I am looking forward to all the January sales. I have a Nordstrom giftcard to use, plus a Victoria's Secret coupon burning a hole through my pocket. Hopefully Anthropologie will put some new items on sale too (Shopchicago-I will be checking your blog for this info!)... -I would love to incorporate some kind of little getaway into each month this year. We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge (indoor waterpark) for my 7 year-old's birthday in a few weeks for a few nights (normally not truly my idea of fun but he is so excited about it!) and I would like to schedule something for my hubby's bday in February as well. -My calendar is full of high school basketball games. Again, probably not the most exciting thing for most people but my son is a freshman and was moved up to the JV team this year and it is exciting to see him do well on the team. I look forward to each game not only because of the joy I see in my son but also to watch my husband who is SO proud of our son's accomplishment. -I am embracing the cold weather this year. It is soo cold but I love the fresh feeling of the cold air. I want to make lots of stews and vegetable soups and drink lots of peppermint tea to offset the cold weather. -I just stocked up on new lingerie and pajamas at Gapbody this weekend. Don't know why the little things mean so much! -Oh, and I am also in love with my new smartphone. My husband bought me the Google phone/Droid for Xmas and it is great. I went without a blackberry during the past year and I missed having instant internet. Now I have access to Stylethread all day!
All right-that feels better! Now off to bed to get ready for work tomorrow!
- hopefully more rain and gloom out here in California.
- my dog getting better each month on her med's
- I'll hopefully be volunteering, if they accept my schedule!
- Also watching my son play basketball for his school! I cannot wait!!!!!
- Also loving and using my new Motorola Droid cell phone! LOVE IT!!!
- Jan. means it's one month away from Valentines and my bday in Feb!
- another month to add to me becoming a vegan, loving it, and loving that I like my body and not having to count calories or anything like that. LOVE IT!
- My birthday! It's January 16th and that day I will be attending a baby shower for a very old friend of mine and then having dinner with my family at Maggiano's. Also, we can totally indulge and not worry about $ because both myself and my parents have gift cards to use there!
- That Alexis is almost 4 months old and she is starting to laugh at things! She had her first spell of giggles on Christmas Day and she was laughing at ME and we got it on video!!!
- That LOST is only a month away!
- I got a gift card for Alexis for The Children's Place and we are going to go to the outlet for extra good deals on cute stuff for her.
This is a good thread because I was just thinking this AM that it is way too soon for me to hate winter already.
1) I get to wear new sweaters and new boots that I either got for Christmas or got deals on after Christmas
2) They say that the way El Nino works is that it has to get unusually cold before it gets unusually mild. Well, we're having the cold part right now, so I expect the mild part to start sometime this month!
3) New episodes of Lost, 24, Burn Notice and Chuck will be on soon.
4) I love the Olympic and it's almost time for the Winter Games to begin.
5) I have lots of new books to read. And don't feel guilty in January about spending all day Sunday just reading on my couch!
6) I start tax season in Feb (I run an office for 2 CPAs) so I will start working 6 days a week and 10-12 hour days next month. I need to enjoy the weekends in January while I still have them.
- snuggling with my family and puppy on my bed with blankets and pillows heaped on top. - those little mandarian oranges called cuties that are only available this time of year. yum that's it. i hate winter.
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."
I like this one.... - It's almost Mardi Gras here in New Orleans. However, it is unusally cold right now. We might even see snow this week. - Christmas is over but great sales are to be found - Ditto with some of you Lost and the Bachelor are back oh and 24 too - Looking over pics from the holidays and realizing what a great time we all had. Even though much alcohol was needed to make it through. Just kidding. - Starting the new year with new inspirations and positive motivation.
Yay for January birthdays! You stay the same age all year. My BIL and my neighbor (who is a good friend) share a b-day with Exsupahero.
Socks and tights and boots and sweaters and extra blankets on the bed. Okay, it's in the 70s here but it's still cold at night!
Enjoying and using holiday gifts, or returning them for things you actually like.
For people with kids, I imagine getting them back into school creates a little more peace and quiet.
Not too many family or social obligations because people are still burned out from the holidays.
Not too much yardwork/garden chores.
Ditto citrus! Oh the grapefruits are so good at the farmers markets in January. Blood oranges and Fukimoto oranges are in season too. And the big bag of sweet, thin-skinned lemons from my friend's tree. What's not to love about citrus? I've made lemon-poppyseed scones and lemon-poppyseed cupcakes in the last few weeks.
Oh, wow. I forgot how much I missed the oranges in winter. When I lived in LA you could buy them from guys on the side of the road. They were soooooo good. They ruined me for any other oranges ever since.