I must be living under a rock, because I just heard that you can subscribe for magazines thru ebay for alot cheaper. My subscription to Shop, Etc is due and it is going to be $15. However, I just found a three year subscription to it on ebay for $14.99. How do these subscriptions work? Are they reputable?
I'm curious about this too - I order from bestdealmagazines.com - i get lucky for $4.69 processing fee only. But other things (like shop etc) are more, so I'd be interested in knowing how it goes. If you are living under a rock, so am I - I buy & sell on ebay all the time & wouldn't have thought of magazines. Crazy
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I haven't found out anything. I was hoping you ladies would know something. It seems almost too good to be true. I was looking on the What Not To Wear website at their message board and someone listed several magazines they get thru ebay and said they had not had any problems. I only occasionally visit that board and I don't really know alot of the posters so there is a chance that message on there could be spam.