I want to do that as well but with kinda modern or funky letters. I saw some at Ikea for 99 cents a piece but they weren't perfect--how much were yours.
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
Hi My name is Jen and I am a craft-a-holic. If there is a craft - I have tried it.
Hehe. Me too. I love crafty and artsy stuff!! I painted wooden jewelry boxes with abstract designs and line the insides with velvet. This is one of my favorites b/c it's so easy! I'll take some pics and post when I can (must. get. digital camera. ASAP!).
They also sell them on ebay, Michael's, Rag Shop and other places online. I wanted to do them myself because I am a total craft maniac, especially when I'm pregnant. I think my next project is a shelf for Christian to hook his baseball hats on.
I have just gotten really really hooked on crafster.org too - i have started embroidery, bought a sewing machine (used, actually my MIL got it for my bday at a garage sale for $25 because I had been talking about learning). I am also in a crazy unrelenting, can't stop chopping up magazines for decoupage materials. I swear for the last 2 weeks I have been chopping up every mag in sight, plus I got about 20 from others. I don't know what I think I'm going to decoupage with all these shoes, jewelry, etc. I think I've gone insane.
Ikea is opening here in August - I can't wait to buy some cheap furniture & chop it up or something - not sure yet, I guess I will get inspired!!!!!!! Glad i'm not the only one
-- Edited by laken1 at 09:20, 2005-06-17
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Cute letters! I remember doing something similar for my daughter's nursery. I like crafster too. I crochet, am trying to learn how to knit and will be learning to machine sew soon. I also do various other craft projects day to day with my kids. I plan on making some felt monsters soon. This site is full of links.
I'm a craft-a-holic, too! I have all these little plastic boxes filled with glitter, rhinestones, random pieces of fabric, ribbon, etc. I get ideas from funky little vintage/boutique stores around town. I'll walk around a vintage store and see some old postcards and snatch them up. I'll go to a boutique and see a picture frame with rhinestones on it selling for about $40 and I'll go to the craft store, buy the supplies and make the frame and put the vintage postcard in it. (I'm using it as an example because it was my most recent project.) I made three and they're all in blues and greens and hang like one long pic in my house.
Ever seen the book Pad? It's a fabulous source of ideas for decorating your place with crafty type things. It's my fave decorating book of all time.
Basically if I see it out and it can be made, I want to make it. I've made wooden memory boxes with plaques on them titled "blubirde family memories" and put some silk flowers in them and lots of family photos. They were very popular xmas gifts one year.
Okay I could go on and on and on. I'm into sewing now so we'll see how far that takes me!