I've seen it a few times, but haven't tried it. There is a little yellow splenda logo on the can, but otherwise it pretty much just looks like diet coke so maybe you just didn't notice it.
Supposedly it tastes more like regular coke, so I am scared to try it (I have trained my tastebuds to like the diet, and now regular just tastes nasty)
yeah, my friend mentioned that it is sweeter so it tends to taste more like reg. coke. however, if i can get my SO from complaining about me drinking diet coke... its worth the taste!
bex - try it out. It's defintely marked that it's made w/splenda, so it won't say aspartame on the label. It's defintely sweeter than traditional diet coke, but it's not bad. My brother made me stop drinking diet coke because he swears the asparame is going to kill me or end up making me very sick. I never believed it, but he sends me all sorts of news articles and research about people who got really sick from it.
I tried it by accident. My friend bought me one and didn't realize that it had splenda in it. It taste like coke but it taste kinda flat. I am used to the diet taste myself.
Bex, tell your boyfriend to leave you alone. If it did cause cancer they wouldn't have it on the market. And I am thinking you can never have enough to actually cause cancer. Besides, drinking regualr coke is bad becasue of all the calories which can lead to weight gain which ups your chances of heart disease and diabetes. The chances of those two diseases are greater than getting cancer from aspartame.
Some of this studies piss me off because it puts fear where there shouldn't be any. I would be more afraid of non washed produce than diet coke.
I tried it by accident. My friend bought me one and didn't realize that it had splenda in it. It taste like coke but it taste kinda flat. I am used to the diet taste myself. Bex, tell your boyfriend to leave you alone. If it did cause cancer they wouldn't have it on the market. And I am thinking you can never have enough to actually cause cancer. Besides, drinking regualr coke is bad becasue of all the calories which can lead to weight gain which ups your chances of heart disease and diabetes. The chances of those two diseases are greater than getting cancer from aspartame. Some of this studies piss me off because it puts fear where there shouldn't be any. I would be more afraid of non washed produce than diet coke.
pixie - it's not just cancer people claim aspertame causes. It's a lot of unexplained illness. I'm not sure whether I buy into everything out there against it or not, and I definitely agree that there's a lot of things out there that can cause harm to us, but if I'm not sure about the negative effects of something I'm ingesting, I'm not going to keep putting it into my body.
My brother used to warn me about diet coke/aspertame constantly and I kept drinking diet coke and ignoring him. Well one day my friend told me her mom has been really sick for years - her health was detiorating (sp?) w/no explanation. Her doctor asked her if she was a big diet coke/nutrasweet drinker....
oh he is such a pain in the a$$ and i thought if i could drink the diet with splenda i wouldn't have to listen to him bitch about cancer all the time. he won't even let me keep it in the fridge- when i work from home i go out and buy a 20 oz. and drink it before he gets home at night! how bad is it when you have to sneak your diet soda??? i know he complains b/c he cares, but still!!!
i also noticed a Pepsi billboard today that had the splenda logo on it. i guess they have diet pepsi with it now too.
but(!) i have noticed a big difference when i drink diet vs. reg. soda... it definitely packs a few pounds on you!
thanks everyone! i'll keep my eyes open for the Diet Coke marked with the Splenda logo...
My boss is always on my case b/c she thinks diet sodas give you MS (multiple sclerosis). But I'm pretty sure MS has been around longer than diet sodas have.
I am a diet soda addict. Diet Dr Pepper is the best. It tastes most like real Dr Pepper.
Diet Dr Pepper is the best. It tastes most like real Dr Pepper.
i am addicted too. i have a 4 a day habit. I am wondering if the diet with Splenda is something they are trying in test markets. When I was home in SC, it was everywhere, but here in VA I haven't seen it at all. Not that I've been looking for it--I love diet coke in all its aspartame glory. . . If I start getting sick, you all will know why.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
If it did cause cancer they wouldn't have it on the market.
not to be all can of worms, but cigarettes. also, i'm no conspiracy theorist, but i think there are so many shady things the food industry does i don't even know where to begin.
erin wrote: pixie wrote: If it did cause cancer they wouldn't have it on the market.
not to be all can of worms, but cigarettes. also, i'm no conspiracy theorist, but i think there are so many shady things the food industry does i don't even know where to begin.
i agree, it's scary across the board, not just with sweetners. i'd honestly rather have a regular pop (sorry... "soda") loaded up with sugar than one made with a chemical sweetner... that's just me. but also, i suppose there are worse things you can be doing to your body than drinking diet pop!
i'm editing this response to include that i don't think that corn syrup or HFCS is any better than an artificial sweetner. i rarely drink pop (maybe 1 or 2 a year... 3 if i'm somewhere that makes their own root beer), but when i do it's "regular" or i'll grab a soda from the health food store... which hardly compares to the "real" thing, i know... but i at least feel a little bit better about what's going into my body.
Bex,I have stocked my fridge with it. It's good :) Not as good as diet rc IMO, but better than Diet Coke good. here's the thread where we discussed it last month, fyi: http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=44784&subForumID=102163&action=viewTopic&commentID=2907952
ah! thanks! i get busy with traveling every so often and miss posts for a couple of weeks at a time... don't kill me if i duplicate often!