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Brad Pitt on Primetime
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Did anyone watch Brad Pitt on Primetime Live last night?  I was just wondering what you girls thought?  I think it's really great that he's helping out w/those poor children in Africa. 

He also didn't deny his relationship w/Angelina.  While he didn't admit it, it defintely made me believe they are together.  Though I don't think he cheated on Jen w/her after listening to him.



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I think it's great he wants to help Africa too, but what about the US?  His resonse to that question was that the scale of the problem in Africa is much larger than the US. 

Maybe I am just staunchly patriotic, but I think we need to fix our own problems before trying to fix everyone elses. 

I don't like the attitude of stars at his level.  They have this odd attitude.  They don't think they are being elitists, but just in the way they talk and act, they are. 




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Drew wrote:

I think it's great he wants to help Africa too, but what about the US?  His resonse to that question was that the scale of the problem in Africa is much larger than the US.  Maybe I am just staunchly patriotic, but I think we need to fix our own problems before trying to fix everyone elses.  I don't like the attitude of stars at his level.  They have this odd attitude.  They don't think they are being elitists, but just in the way they talk and act, they are.   

I have to agree w/you.  My boyfriend said the same thing about Brad Pitt last night...he seems to be really humble and down-to-earth, and he doesn't think he's being an elitist, but he is.  You're right. 




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Drew wrote:

I think it's great he wants to help Africa too, but what about the US?  His resonse to that question was that the scale of the problem in Africa is much larger than the US.  Maybe I am just staunchly patriotic, but I think we need to fix our own problems before trying to fix everyone elses.     

I feel the same way Drew.  I think there are a ton of people here that need help also and we should help our own first.  As for the interview I didn't watch it.  Not a huge fan of Brad Pitt.


Kate Spade

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I think we should help the US too BUT I have to say that I personally have more compassion for those in need in Africa.  I mean, knowing that many people in Africa believe that if an infected man (with AIDS) has sex with a virgin, then they will be cured, it just makes me sick.  Yound girls, we're talking 8,9, 10 years old are being raped by men in there 30's and up who have AIDS. That sickens me.  Maybe it's just the sociologist in me, but I just have a deep connection with those in Africa and their problems which are based on the lack of education.

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I didn't care much about Brad Pitt but last night's interview made me like him.  I agree that we have lots of problems here that need taking care of.  However, I think Brad's point is that he (and many of us) have SO MUCH.  So much money, opportunity, resource, etc.  The African people have basically nothing compared to us, and if we have the ability and desire to help them, then why not share our wealth? 

I think it's great that some of us feel strongly about taking care of domestic issues, while others have a heart for foreigners in need.  And I think it's possible for us to work on both.  I imagine Brad doesn't neglect the US in his generosity (I hope not anyway. . .).

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It's easy to have compassion for something you see sad commercials about and don't have to deal with on a daily basis. We have the US's problems shoved in our face every day and it pisses us off so much we just don't want to deal with it, so we send money to other countries that we see sad commercials and hot celeb's talking about. I know some of them are getting really involved and going over there to help, but I agree that we need to fix up our own messed up melting pot of a country before we try to help others. If I heard that celebs were trying to help the level of US homelessness or help teach all the immagrants english so they can actually communicate with the people of the country they are so steadily fleeing into. Or educating our youth about sex that they are now having WILLINGLY it at the age of 9 or 10 and truning our youth into total sluts. Maybe stop being in movies with so much sex and violence, theres a thought. If they did any of these things I would be really impressed. But no, they go over to some country, get filmed helping some people, go back to their hotels miles away, and fly back home feeling fab about themselves.
And I fear that classic hottie Brad Pitt is now one of them. I don't think it's a waste of the trillions of dollars they have, but misguided in my opinion since the people in the US are the ones buying all thier crap and seeing all thier movies!!!!!!

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Kate Spade

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ok, guys, i feel so superficial posting this after reading all ur heartfelt responses, but i read on that brad & angelina were seen kissing atop a hotel roof.  i also heard it on the radio.  kinda makes her look stupid for saying she could never be attracted to someone who would cheat on their wife (i know they aren't together anymore, but makes me think this started a while ago).  they denied it so much & now they just look lame!


Nine West

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The reason that so many celebrities and the like are so vocal about helping other countries is because one billion people live on less than one dollar a day and most live in these "third world countries". I personally give money not only to the US but to poorer countries also because these poorer countries often lack resources to improve AIDS, poverty, etc. on there own.

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crystal wrote:

ok, guys, i feel so superficial posting this after reading all ur heartfelt responses, but i read on that brad & angelina were seen kissing atop a hotel roof.  i also heard it on the radio.  kinda makes her look stupid for saying she could never be attracted to someone who would cheat on their wife (i know they aren't together anymore, but makes me think this started a while ago).  they denied it so much & now they just look lame!

He is cheating on Jen.  They may not be emotionally together or living in the same house, but they are still legally married (I haven't heard the divorce is final) so he is cheating.  I think if Jen keeps a low profile, though, like she has been doing she is going to get the last laugh.  Think about how Nicole's career skyrocketed after Tom basically left her for Penelope Cruz.

-- Edited by Meow at 18:50, 2005-06-08


Kate Spade

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I think it's great Brad Pitt is putting his name on helping others. What better to put your name on?  Maybe some star struck fan will help Africa because Brad did.  Maybe that'll inspire some.

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mclantern wrote:

The reason that so many celebrities and the like are so vocal about helping other countries is because one billion people live on less than one dollar a day and most live in these "third world countries". I personally give money not only to the US but to poorer countries also because these poorer countries often lack resources to improve AIDS, poverty, etc. on there own.

i feel similarly. at the very least, it's nice to know that some celebrities care, and if they can use their status to raise awareness then more power to them.

as far as us versus other country problems, it's like apples and oranges to me. not that the us doesn't have problems, but they in no way compare to what goes on in impoverished nations. also a lot of us problems like homelessness, teen sex, etc. aren't quick fixes and more or less reflect problems with the infrastructure of our society that can't be easily remedied through money. i.e. in many countries ending homlessness is as simple as giving people money so they can buy the materials to build a house. it doesn't quite work like that in the us.

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crystal wrote:

ok, guys, i feel so superficial posting this after reading all ur heartfelt responses, but i read on that brad & angelina were seen kissing atop a hotel roof.  i also heard it on the radio.  kinda makes her look stupid for saying she could never be attracted to someone who would cheat on their wife (i know they aren't together anymore, but makes me think this started a while ago).  they denied it so much & now they just look lame!

I like Angelina, I really do, but that statement she made was bogus. She started dating Billy Bob while he was very seriously involved with Laura Dern (not marriage exactly, but still).

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Drew wrote:

I think it's great he wants to help Africa too, but what about the US?  His resonse to that question was that the scale of the problem in Africa is much larger than the US.  Maybe I am just staunchly patriotic, but I think we need to fix our own problems before trying to fix everyone elses. 

My thought exactly Drew



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You know...before this interview i liked brad pitt. But after it, it made me DISLIKE him for some reason. I actually think that he doesn't seem down to earth (maybe he did when he was with jen, but for some reason, not anymore). I just dont like him...didn't get good vibes from that interview. And i didnt like how he responded to any of diane's questions.



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ejc423 wrote:

I didn't care much about Brad Pitt but last night's interview made me like him.  I agree that we have lots of problems here that need taking care of.  However, I think Brad's point is that he (and many of us) have SO MUCH.  So much money, opportunity, resource, etc.  The African people have basically nothing compared to us, and if we have the ability and desire to help them, then why not share our wealth? 
I think it's great that some of us feel strongly about taking care of domestic issues, while others have a heart for foreigners in need.  And I think it's possible for us to work on both.  I imagine Brad doesn't neglect the US in his generosity (I hope not anyway. . .).

I couldn't agree more. I think last night's interview made me see a different side of Brad. Although a part of me still doesn't like the whole Brad/Angelina thing because I liked him better with Jen.



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halleybird wrote:

I like Angelina, I really do, but that statement she made was bogus. She started dating Billy Bob while he was very seriously involved with Laura Dern (not marriage exactly, but still).

Halleybird, I usually agree with you, but I feel differently here. Billy Bob and Laura Dern were *not* married...not to excuse that whole mess, but I think for a lot of people marriage is where you draw the line at any possiblity of a relationship with someone. Otherwise...."all's fair" and all that. I don't personally feel that way, but I know many other people who think that anyone who's not married is fair game.

I certainly can't speak for Angelina's POV, but that's my two cents' worth, anyway. *s*


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Kate Spade

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atlgirl wrote:

Halleybird, I usually agree with you, but I feel differently here. Billy Bob and Laura Dern were *not* married...not to excuse that whole mess, but I think for a lot of people marriage is where you draw the line at any possiblity of a relationship with someone. Otherwise...."all's fair" and all that. I don't personally feel that way, but I know many other people who think that anyone who's not married is fair game.

I certainly can't speak for Angelina's POV, but that's my two cents' worth, anyway. *s*

Anyone who thinks that way needs to remember that the next time someone is hitting on their boyfriend. I think they would be quick to change their minds. That is why I DO NOT respect Angelina. I think the tables would turn if someone was trying to take her man away. Married couples or not I think she is a homewrecker.

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I meant to watch this but I missed it.  I don't see much wrong with him dating Angelina Jolie at this point, if he were a regular average joe with less complicated financial holdings, he and Aniston would already be divorced anyway.  I DO think it sucks that he is dating Jolie because of the fact that he is a celebrity and you just can't do that discreetly.  Even though Aniston probably already knew they were dating, now she has to see it thrown in her face in tabloids.  It would be nice if Pitt could have waited until the divorce were final, but logically, this happens all the time, most people who are in the midst of a divorce aren't "working" on getting back together.

At the end of the day, I hope this is real love and I think they make a good match, yes better than Aniston....even though I totally adore her and really feel sorry for her having to be hurt by the media firestorm.

As for Pitt's concerns with Africa, I think that's great and I don't see his attitude as elitist at all.  He probably does have some natural biases, but he has more money than most of us and that alone allows him access to global resources we are lucky if we see covered on CNN or National Geo.  We all share this earth, in order to be truly for peace, one has to forget about nationalism.  How can we even begin to fix "our" problems in the US if we don't first recognize that we are intricately connected to the rest of the world and it's problems too?

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rosie_the_riveter wrote:

Drew wrote:
I think it's great he wants to help Africa too, but what about the US?  His resonse to that question was that the scale of the problem in Africa is much larger than the US.  Maybe I am just staunchly patriotic, but I think we need to fix our own problems before trying to fix everyone elses. 
My thought exactly Drew

These are FH's sentiments exactly. I personally enjoyed to see what BP was doing out in Africa, but it is true that our country has it's own plethora of problems we need to deal with.

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