So I'm watching an auction for a sold out dress I really want, but I'm uncomfortable with another bidder's history on the auction.
That bidder submitted the first bid and has bid several more times, driving the price up. When I looked at their history, they have had 28(!) retractions in the last 6 months, and have bid on 25 separate items in the last 5 days. As you can see, their feedback is also marked private.
*I tried to include the bid history but I can't get it to post
I've noticed an increase in shilling on Ebay in the last two years, and I don't know if I'm being over zealous in thinking someone is a shiller or if I have room for concern here?
-- Edited by Kincali on Sunday 23rd of August 2009 08:19:45 PM
problem solved, I wrote the seller, bidder magically stopped bidding, and I got the dress for the price I wanted in the end
If you don't mind me asking, what did you say to the seller? Like you, I have seen this problem increase quite a bit lately. It drives me crazy and I'm never sure what to do about it.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I said bitch, don't think I don't know you are bidding on your own auction!
Just kidding! I just sent her basically what I wrote in my first post lol. I didn't know how to end it because I didn't want seem accusatory. So at the end I just said, "I want to make sure this auction is safe to bid on based on the activity I included."
More than anything I wanted her to see that I was aware of the shady bidding and the bidder's background. She wrote back, yes the auction is safe to bid on, and then like magic that bidder never came back, along with another person who had 1 feedback but had bid several times with that seller before, and the bidding war slowed down.
I've sold and bought on Ebay for 9 years, and I can now spot a lot of the bad auctions and just don't bother bidding. I really wanted this dress though so I guess it made me brave enough to write her. I got it in the mail today and I love it so:)