Exhausted, really. I feel like my life has turned into one big battle and it's horrible. I feel like everyone, everywhere wants to fight with me about everything.
First, there's my work situation (which I won't get into too much detail), but essentially, I have to fight just to be able to do what I was hired to do (writing, marketing strategy and internet marketing). My bosses see this and agree that it's a huge problem (and that it's not my fault) and are trying to help me fix it, but honestly, I'm not sure that it's fixable and I'm not sure that I really care anymore. It's to the point that I dread finishing a project because I know it's just going to be a battle once someone else gets their hands on it and tries to turn my marketing piece into a technical datasheet. (Sorry if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it would really take me days to explain the full story). On a brighter note, I'm no longer bored at work- well, sort of- I'm busy at least, but I still find the actual work/products pretty yawn-worthy.
Then, there's SO and the California thing. He's on board (mostly, as long as we postpone it until after the holidays or I find a job before then and we move). But his family just harasses us about it- telling us how bad California is and how awful it will be to move there, how getting a job will be impossible. OMG. I can't take the naysayers anymore.
And then, there's my mother. She broke up with her boyfriend about a month and a half ago. They were together for 15 months and I truly think she needs counseling to get over him. She's absolutely wallowing in her misery, she drives by his house every day on her way to work (there are alternate routes) and now she told me that she's waiting for closure from him and in order to get it, she must talk to him again. She even said that she'll stop if she sees him outside when she drives by his house.
I told her that the way she's behaving isn't healthy and she should find an alternate route to work and come to terms with the fact that she may never get "closure." Closure is a luxury for many breakups and I've got a feeling this breakup is one of those situations. She's contacted him a few times and he hasn't responsed- no efforts on his part at all. She keeps saying, "oh, he's different." Aren't they all different? The big kicker about this whole thing is that she's doing exactly what she's ridiculing him for- they broke up because he can't get over his ex wife and he needs "closure." OMG. Everybody get some counseling.
I'm not really being that insensitive about it IRL. Obviously, there is a greiving process, but my mom's not doing so well with it and I wish she'd see that.
And then there was my whole experience with the stupid hotel this past weekend where it took us three hours to check in because they didn't want to give us a room that we paid for (anyone who's friends with me on Facebook can get the full scoop in the note I posted earlier today). That just added insult to injury since it was supposed to be a nice weekend away with my friends and it was so stressful for all of us. At least we all could commiserate together.
As for the other situations, well-- I'm just tired and at my wit's end and it feels good to vent. Don't really need advice since I'm doing the best I can; I just needed some listening ears to vent to.
Oh my - those are some crazy stories! Your poor mom - hopefully she can look back at this time and laugh. Don't you wish her ex would just man up and talk to her, give her some closure and tell her to move on? Sigh....men!
When we decided to move across country, we didn't talk about it a lot to DH's family because we knew their reactions would be similar to yours. Your SO's family is just being a bit selfish, but only because they love him. If it helps, we have better jobs than we did in DC and are much MUCH happier now! Just do it - they'll adjust.
I'm really sorry - it is no wonder you are exhausted. Don't have any very useful advice except to say hang in there- sounds like you are coping with a lot of negativity around you and you're naturally worried for your Mom. Try to look after yourself and don't let the naysayers get you down about California- that just seems disrespectful and it is not as if you haven't thought this through - it's not a whim and it sounds like they would just like you to not move for possibly selfish reasons. Hang in there.
Why do other people have to make our lives so difficult?? Why don't they just. shut. up.
Seriously, I'm sorry to hear all this crap is hitting you all at once. If it helps, it sounds like your mom is basically grieving over the loss of the relationship. It sucks but this too shall pass.
Thanks, everyone. I do wish people would just shut. up. (as suasoria said).
jj, it's nice to know you both have better jobs in Cali.
I hope my mom gets through this okay- it is a normal grieving process, but I feel like she's not doing things to help herself get over it. She will eventually, though, I'm sure.
stardust, it is so much negativity and the work problem honestly boils down to complete ignorance (and the unwillingness to change) on the part of several people.
Sigh. I'll get through it, but right now, I'm so tired. I had to put my on of my blogs and my jewelry design business on hold temporarily to try to regroup. I'm dreading grad school classes starting again in a few weeks.
I know you're dreading classes starting because you feel so tired and worn down but it's always possible that the classes will actually make you feel better.
Your mind will be engaged with what you're doing (hopefully!) and I know how much intellectual/artistic stimulation means to you.
Plus, thinking about class may take away some of the time that you've been worrying/stressing about your mom/the move. You can only stress about one thing at a time.
I think it's also partly the weather that maybe you're feeling this way. You really can't get out and do any outdoor things because it's just so freaking humid. It's hard, for me at least, to de-stress while I can't breathe because it's so hot. Maybe see what the weather is like this weekend and take the dogs out for a romp in the park? Somewhere shady and near water- take a yummy picnic lunch and just let go.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I know how it is when everything seems just so overwhelmingly negative. You need to do something special for yourself. Like a reward, just because you're worth it. I had a round of some bad weeks this summer regarding my brother's wedding and bought myself a box set of books that I wanted. You'd be surprised how nice it was to have something special that was just for me. Plus, reading the books helped me get a break from the craziness surrounding me!
relrel, that's true- I hadn't thought about classes that way. I've just been thinking about how my weekends are going to be spent toiling away on projects now. But at least they're interesting. I am taking a more business-focused class this semester, so it's not quite all creative, all the time, but still something I'm interested in.
And the weather- yeah. Ick, ick, ick. I love to be outside, but when it's this hot I just want to be i the ocean or in a pool- neither of which are easily accessible where I live. Maybe we can take the puppies to the state park this weekend for a swim in the lake.
Boots, you're right! I should do something nice for me. I mentioned putting my jewelry business on hold for the moment. Well, I've also been planning to refocus it a little. So, maybe I should start by making prototypes to add to my own jewelry collection (and forget about the pressure of creating an entire collection to sell based on my new vision for the fall). That would be nice, right?
-- Edited by kenzie on Wednesday 19th of August 2009 12:48:38 PM
G-d....its a lot of stress.....YOu'd think that our mothers in this age would know better, especially when due to their age & experience ( or wisdom as they'd like to think) they give us the relationship/love advice....Really....a woman in love is a crazy thing regardless of her age... I hope you get enough energy & common sense to pass through this stress....you will.