My brother just got home from college and got into a conversation with one of our new neighbors, a guy who is a few years older than me. The neighbor told my brother that I used to date his friend, Pat, who worked at Shop Rite. He also said that I ran into him with this guy one night outside our building.
1. I never dated someone named Pat
2. I never dated someone that worked at Shop Rite
3. I DID run into him and a friend one night but I didn't know his friend.
This is totally weird! My brother keeps insisting he didn't mess up the details. I want to run into this guy now so I can ask him about it. Curiousity almost got the best of me and I almost went over to his house to ask him. I'm restraining myself though...I can wait until I just run into him again.
Ew that is weird. Sounds like you ran into neighbor and "Pat" and Pat either confused you with someone else or is making up stories about you. I can't wait to hear what happens!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.