I have shaved my whole life and unfortunately from about 2 inches under my knee all the way down to my ankle I have a terrible stubble problem. I shave, but the next day you can still see the hair in the pores. Two days later, you can feel the stubble. It is not like that from my knee up. I get a very smooth shave on my thighs. I have tried to use Nair on my calves, but it does NOTHING. I have bought leg wax at Walmart before, but I guess it is not that good. I have had a little success with it, but it just doesn't seem strong enough.
Can someone recommend a really good leg wax to me that will just rip the hairs right out of your legs with not too many problems? I would be so appreciative.
I use Parissa wax, particularly this Lavender kind: It is not meant to be heated, so there is no melting necessary. You just spread it right on in a thin layer (this takes practice since the wax is very sticky) and then place the strip over, smooth it on and then rip it right off. Then after you're done waxing you just smooth on the azulene oil. The wax is water soluble so you can wash it right off with water and reuse the strips too, as long as you wash them. I used this the very first time I waxed my legs since I was sick and tired of shaving in the shower everyday and I've been very happy with the results. you can get more info and order on the website parissa.com(it's $10) but I get it at my local Whole Foods. hth!
Meow, I am jealous that it takes two days to feel stubble. When I shave in the morning, I already feel stubble by evening! The hair on my head and my nails grow super-fast too, though so I guess I can be thankful for that. . .
Anyway, let me know how the waxing goes. . . I'm a wimp, but I'd be willing to try if it works well.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Yes, I would love to know about your waxing experience. I have tried so many of the home kits and none of them worked. I looked for the Parissa one but I can't locate that specific one. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Meow, at first I had a hard time finding the Parissa lavender wax after I ran out of the first tub. Initially I had gotten it at Walgreens, but then I went back and they didn't even carry that brand anymore! So I went to Target and Savon but no luck. I happened to be at Whole Foods getting some Jamba Juice and decided to have a look around and there they were! Good luck on the Parissa wax. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. I don't know if I have high pain tolerance or not, but it didn't hurt much the first time I tried it.
Thanks. I looked over the website and it is great. It lets you select the type of hair problem you have and then it recommends a kit. It looks like you can order it online but I am not sure. I will have to check again.
Oh, I have a high pain tolerance, too. I have gotten my legs waxed twice professionally and the only place it really hurts is around my ankles. I will definitely try the parissa wax.
I use it for leg hair, but my leg hair is fine because I haven't shaved them for years. Just to be safe, you should look at the website and see what kind of wax they recommend. I know there is a hot wax available for coarser hair types, but I tried it and did not like it. Too sticky and the hot wax is a pain to clean up.