About 2 months ago our weimereiner(sp?) died We found this lady who rescues weimereiners from the pound, and last night she brought over this cute one that we loved and we are picking him up today. Well, the bad part is...his name is YUMA. So we want to rename it. Do you guys have any suggestions? We like disney names, and its a boy. He is not too hyper, and not too shy. He is pretty normal sized for a weimereiner..I'll post pictures when we get him. but any name ideas you have I would love to here!!
Aren't Weimereiners German? Maybe a german-ish name would be cute - like Fritz or Hans or something? Also my grandmother had a german shepherd named Blitzen, and I like that too, though I have no idea how german it is.
~ dc
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination" - Oscar Wilde
oo thank you all so much for the suggestions! I'm printing them all out and we will decide pretty soon I think...we just got him this afternoon so here are some pics! I love him!!
hehe I'll let you know what name we decide to give him! I'm really liking al lot of these names!!