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Post Info TOPIC: Generalized anxiety disorder - does anyone here have it?

Marc Jacobs

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Generalized anxiety disorder - does anyone here have it?
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Does anyone her have an anxiety disorder? I suspect that I may have generalized anxiety disorder - lately (or for the past several months) I've been feeling very anxious, and on some days I feel like there is a weight on my chest and I have an upset stomach (but - sorry if this is TMI - everything is fine in the bathroom department). I just feel very on edge, like I can't relax.

The other night, I woke up and I felt like someone was sitting on my chest, and I had this odd pain on the left side of my ribs, like someone was blowing a balloon up under my skin. I also feel very ADD lately - I can hardly even sit still to watch tv or read, both of which I love doing. Lastly, I keep having this recurring pain in the top of my left shoulder. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but thought I'd throw that in there.

I can remember when I was a kid laying in bed at night having a hard time falling asleep because I would worry about things out of my control (like not having enough money, one of my parents dying, or my pet dying because I accidentally dropped one M&M and thinking my dog would die from that).

Also, I am in law school, and I've found the entire experience to be incredibly depressing. Law school is a terrible environment* full of sleazy, high school drama-worthy people. I just don't feel like I fit into the category of the majority of people who attend law school. I'm not one to claw my way to the top, and my grades are not that impressive (usually Bs), and I'm so worried about finding a job next year.

*ETA: I am not saying (all) lawyers are sleazy. Just the kids I go to school with - I wonder about some of them. I'm not trying to insult anyone. I'm sure all the lawyers on this board are lovely people, and I have some friends in law school who are great people. It just seems like a lot of people I go to school with are not lovely people.

You have to report any psychotropic medications that you take when filling out my state's character and fitness exam (which must be passed in order to practice law) and basically, they make a determination whether your mental problems are serious enough that they would interfere with your ability to practice law. I'm worried that if I went to a Dr. and was put on medication and had to report it, I wouldn't pass the c&f exam. I know it's not likely, but I'm still paranoid about it.

Oh, and lastly, I'm afraid to tell my parents because my mom is very against depression meds. She's been on them off-and-on for several years and she doesn't like the way they made her feel, and then my older brother went on them for a while, and she thought they made him act strange.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks to anyone who can help. If you don't feel comfortable posting here, please PM me.

-- Edited by wetbandit42 on Tuesday 2nd of June 2009 12:47:17 PM

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus

Kate Spade

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Wetbandit - I don't have specific experience with anxiety, but I do have a lot of experience with depression meds, and I tend to agree with your mom's view. I'm not saying, however, that they should be avoided at all costs, just that I think other treatments or coping methods should be explored first.

One thing that really helped my mom, who suffers from depression and social anxiety, was hypnotherapy. I know that some people think it's a bunch of balogna, but it's really just ultra deep relaxation. You might also want to look into meditation?

Finally, I found that for my depression simply talking to a therapist was a huge help. You might want to consider just doing therapy, and holding off on the drugs - it doesn't sound like you would have to declare therapy when filling out the C&F exam? Just from what you're describing, it sounds like being able to talk through everything that is worrying you might be a big help.


Marc Jacobs

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I agree with Gingembre1, I would hold off on the medications unless you exhaust other pathways. It sounds as if Law School is really throwing you for a loop so your anxiety might not have an underlying biomedical reason.

If you are at all willing, I would also perhaps look into acupuncture. The research that I'm doing right now involves acupuncture for symptom management for breast cancer survivors, who are probably some of the most anxious patients out there. I have a patient currently who is absolutely insane with her anxiety-levels and she has calmed down so much since we started the treatments. There's some biomedical reasoning behind acupuncture working (some stuff with serotonin and dopamine ) but just having a dedicated half-hour each week to sit in a quiet, darkened room can really help.

I would also maybe look at your diet/sleep/exercise habits to see if there's any issues there. Maybe just going for a run every couple of days would calm down some of that nervous, anxious energy.

You might want to shoot a PM to some of the lawyers on here to ask them about the C&F exam. It's entirely possible that someone has already gone through this exact same situation.

"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling

Kenneth Cole

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My boyfriend is going through something similar now (although he's not in law school). His PCP gave him an anti-anxiety drug that he can take when he feels particularly panicy and he's started seeing a therapist, although not regularly, who gave him a prescrption for an SSRI. After reading about possible side effects he's decided not to take it, at least for now, but the appointments he's had so far have helped him and the fact that he has something that he can take when he really needs to, helps. He's also started exercising and feels that's really helping. Maybe you should see your Dr as a first step and explore therapy? And if they do recommend medication, it doesn't have to be forever. Also, I've been having acupuncture for the last few months and do think it helps, as relrel said, sometimes I think that sitting in a quiet, darkened room alone helps!

I really feel for you. It's hard to know where to start when you're going through something like this, just know you're not alone and it will get better.

“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” Ann W. Richards

Marc Jacobs

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Thanks for taking the time to read about my problem. You've all made some really good suggestions that I think would work well.

Gingembre - I think seeing a therapist might be a great choice for me. Just posting about my issue made me feel better. The same thing happens when I talk to one of my friends who hates law school as much as I do. I always feel better when I can talk through my problems.

I'm not sure if meditation would help since I can never seem to get into it (I can't seem to silence my brain), but I'll keep trying it. One of these days I'm bound to get some sense of calm from meditating.

Relrel - I've been curious about acupuncture. It seems to help with a lot of problems, so it's probably worth a shot. I'll have to check around and see where it's offered in Milwaukee. I can't remember the last time I exercised (besides taking my dogs for walks) ashamed so I should start doing that again. I always feel better when I exercise. Also, I think you hit the nail on the head - law school is definitely messing with my mental state/emotions. I don't ever remember being this anxious before I went to law school.

twinklestar - Thanks for the info on the meds/treatment plan your boyfriend is on. It sounds like that combo is working well for him. It sounds like both you and relrel are into acupuncture, so I'll look into that too.

Thanks again! It's really nice to be able to come here and talk about my issues and know that I'm not alone. And I only have one year of law school hell left, which will probably help a lot.

-- Edited by wetbandit42 on Tuesday 2nd of June 2009 08:19:53 PM

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus


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I am sure that I am diagnosable, but based on some friends I know who have been on anti-depressants for several years and in my opinion are worse off now than they were, I am afraid to even mess with psychiatry. I could probably benefit from therapy, just haven't been able to fit it in yet.

this site also scares me off, just fyi... a former pharmaceutical rep discloses her own experience with depression as well as industry lack of ethics in dispensing these drugs.

I hope you find a way to cope. It's on my agenda as well, because I am having a lot of trouble. I am generally happy, but not able to focus and do well for myself.

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Marc Jacobs

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I'm not completely GAD, but close. A little over a year ago I started having a racing heartbeat and I would feel really icky. I went to my doc who suspected anxiety, but we did a load of tests. My ticker is fine. So, she put me one some variety of anti-depressants at a very low dose to help my anxiety. The first ones dehydrated me and then I would get a sweaty scalp. It was crazy. I went off those and tried another, and didn't like them. She presecribed me a third variety, that for a number of reasons outside my control didn't get filled right away, and I decided someone was trying to tell me something, so I never filled it. I'm currently not taking medicine, and I still have the heart issues from time to time. My stress/anxiety also gives me migraines and I have had tummy trouble from time to time too. I can usually pair a flair up of symptoms with a specific event in my life. I was doing great until we found out my DH would be losing his job end of July, and I have the palpatations from time to time at night again. I have found that wearing a magnetic bracelet to bed does seem to help. It may be a placebo effect, but it is working in some fashion for me.

I think the best thing to do is to avoid caffiene which will help you feel anxious. To find an o utlet for expressing your stress/worries/etc either through therapy, or journaling etc., and explore massage and accupuncture.

Good luck!



Marc Jacobs

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Blink - thanks for the link to that site! That is scary.

greendiamond - it sounds like you also had bad experiences with medication. I think at this point, non-medication therapies like acupuncture, therapy, and journaling are my best bet.

I'm glad to hear (unfortunately) that I'm not the only one in this boat. Thank you for sharing your experiences!

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus

Kenneth Cole

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Hi- just wanted to say that I have experienced this too- currently struggling with it a lot and I know mine can be severe.  I have been on medication and I know it isn't for everyone. It has helped me when I thought nothing would but I appreciate that it is a last resort option. I know how hard this can be. Talking to someone like a psycotherapist that you feel can really help is a great idea. Sometimes there are therapists that listen mainly and others do more cognitive behvioural therapy and other approaches (I tend to like this better just because it seems to give more tools and something to focus on but others I know feel better just getting things out).
I do acupuncture too and would strongly recommend it and chinese medicine if you can find a good one in your area. Mine acupuncturist does a LOT of work plus Tui-na massage for a full hour so it's great. I have had one where they put a few needles in and leave you for 20 minutes and although it helps it isn't as effective bit that is what mot offer I believe.

Feel free to PM me about meds or just what you're going through as I have a bit of experience in this and know how hard it can be. Hoping you feel better soon.


Nine West

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Everyone has done a great job of giving you advice on the anxiety issue.  I just wanted to comment on the law school comments that you made.  Law school is worse than any high school I have ever heard of.  It is like high school on steroids, so your perspective on what you are dealing with is right on.  Most of the people are awful and you need to just focus on getting through it.  If you can make a few decent friends while there, you are ahead of the game.  But, for the most part, you are currently spending time with a bunch of toxic people, and you need to avoid engaging with them to the best of your ability.  You will be better for it.  I graduated 20 years ago this month from law school, and when I get the reunion invitations, I think "Are you f-ing kidding me?"  I wish you the best.



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A note on meditation -- it's like anything else, it takes practice. People are rarely good at anything new the first time(s) they do it. Five minutes is enough to start. It's amazing how many thoughts you have in just five minutes!

There are many, many different techniques out there so if you don't click with one, try another. Guided meditations (on CD; podcast, whatever) are good for some beginners but then other people will find them annoying.

I particularly think mantra meditation is good if your mind tends to race. A mantra gives you something for your brain to focus on, versus breathing alone. The "So Hum" mantra meditation is simple and powerful. Inhale on the "so," exhale on the "hum." Get to a natural rhythm with it, and come back to the mantra when you're aware of thoughts or distracted by sounds.

You can google "so hum" for a zillion people's perspectives or instructions. Depending on the translation, it means "I am Divine," "I am That," or general unity.

If you have an open-minded friend, you can also try a "buddy" meditation - sit back to back, synch your breaths, and take off. Depending on who it is, their energy or presence can add a depth and texture to the experience.

My DH took anti-anxiety meds for a time and had a terrible experience, by the way. He's incredibly sensitive though.


Marc Jacobs

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Stardust - I pm'd you. It sounds like the resounding answer of a possible therapy is acupuncture. I googled it and found a few places in my area that offer it. Now I just need to research them to make sure they know what they're doing.

Domino - You're so right about law school. They're a toxic group of people to be around all day. Unfortunately, I hated my college too, so I guess I've learned I'm not good at picking schools! Although I'm pretty sure that EVERY law school is like mine. I have one year left, and I cannot wait until I'm out of there for good. I probably won't attend reunions or donate, for both my undergrad and law school. I just need to distance myself as much as possible from it.

Suasoria - Thanks so much for the helpful info on meditation! That "so hum" mantra mediation sounds like it would be a good fit for me. If I can focus on a mantra/my breathing, then maybe I'll focus less on whatever I happen to be thinking at the time. I'll also try finding some podcasts on mediation. I like having direction, so that might work for me too.

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
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