i wish i could remember her name, but that's probably why she went home. u know, the girl who thought she won the ET interview w/ Eve competition? her! the average/plain looking one w/ long brown hair. she was pretty but kinda boring. who went home last week, i missed it? well, actually, i can answer my own q i guess... looks like it was ghetto-turned-fabulous tiffany? anyone wanna dish a few details, i don't need a whole overview cuz i saw last night & feel pretty much caught up, but just the highlights? thanks!
I think her name was Tatiana, but yeah, I know who your talking about.
Last week it was the black girl with the long hair, think her name is Tiffany. and Tyra went off on her at the end because tiffany acted to the other girls like she didn't care she was going home. whatever, glad shes gone, couldnt stand her attitude.
Rebecca also went home last week. Did anyone else get annoyed that Tyra yelled at Tiffany like that? I didn't like Tiffany's attitude either, but it annoyed me that Tyra yelled at her like she was giving up her once in a lifetime opportunity to change her life around. Maybe it's once in a lifetime, but she probably wasn't going to win anyway, and how much modeling work does a reality show bring to the winners anyway ? that's no reason to give up, but Tyra can be so self-important sometimes I think she is more worried about her career (ie. ratings) than anyone else.
quote: Originally posted by: lynnie "Rebecca also went home last week. "
huh?? so two girls went home?? wait, so rebecca went home cuz it was her time to go, but did tyra force tiffany to leave cuz of her attitude? i'm confusled!!
Tyra gave out a blank photo, sending both home in the biggest upset in ANTM history. Or something like that. She just thought they needed the wake-up call "to step up their game." Or something like that
quote: Originally posted by: lynnie "Tyra gave out a blank photo, sending both home in the biggest upset in ANTM history. Or something like that. She just thought they needed the wake-up call "to step up their game." Or something like that"
whoa! so she narrowed it down to the usual "bottom two" while holding a blank photo in her hand?? that's pretty clever! i woulda been wow-ed had i been watching. hmm, too bad i missed it.
i'm guessing yall are big ANTM fans...did you watch last season? do you remember Kristi? the tall blond christian girl from NY---well if so...she's my roomates' cousin's girlfriend....i got to hang out with her last summer and my roomie just went to visit her cousin and krisi in nyc---she's such a sweet girl---just thought i post to see if anyone remembered her....
quote: Originally posted by: Amelie " I felt soo bad for Kahlen though. She is my favorite right now, I really like her. She reminds me of Carmen Kass, and she seems really sweet."
My favorite is Kahlen too- I was trying to figure out the model who she reminded me of, until I read your post and I was like THAT's who it is! I felt really bad for her last night. How much of a coincidence was that? Like her friend just died and now they have to do a photo shoot at a cemetery!
this season is so crappy. i hate myself for watching it. can you imagine any of these girls as runway models? last season was pretty grim too. i just don't know what happened. you'd think it would get better as the show became more popular.
and lynnie--i totally agree with you on the tyra yelling thing. she needs to stop trying to be everyone's momma. the way she kept interrupting tiffany and actually had the nerve to say "i'm yelling at you for the same reason my mom yelled at me! because she loves me!" um... you know nuthin about tiffany. shut up. heidi klum is a terrible hostess, but at least she knew how to stay on the sidelines and let her contestants do their thing. project runway freaking runs circles around ANTM. it makes me sad.