I like Twitter alot. Its like Facebook but with cooler, more interesting friends! Most of my facebook friends statuses say "work" "going tanning" "school again" etc. Twitter people are more likely to share news, info links, etc. I subscribe to some news, comedy, celebs, and friends. Its always entertaining. I still haven't figured out how to reply to people successfully though. My name is ChrissyStyles, I just added stylethread!
I have it for my blog to give out updates, but otherwise I don't understand it either! It is like you have the ability to text the world I guess? I'm not on facebook or myspace, I don't get those either, a sure sign that I'm getting old.
I mean, anybody I want in my life right now is in it, and I just call them or text them. I don't want any crazy psychos from High School or past jobs looking me up. My guy friend in Cali is always asking me to join Facebook, and I'm like, just effin call me! Why the hell would I talk to you through a website? Maybe I don't understand it?
I like Twitter alot. Its like Facebook but with cooler, more interesting friends! Most of my facebook friends statuses say "work" "going tanning" "school again" etc. Twitter people are more likely to share news, info links, etc. I subscribe to some news, comedy, celebs, and friends. Its always entertaining. I still haven't figured out how to reply to people successfully though. My name is ChrissyStyles, I just added stylethread!
I added you too...anyone else join lately? And I also don't get how to reply to people on there either!
I just joined Twitter. Still trying to get the hang of it but having some fun with it. My twitter name is blondediaries. I'm going to try to find everyone on here :)
Ive taken a twitter hiatus of sorts! But I'll try to keep tweeting.
I figured out the whole replying thing - someone has to be following you to get notification of you replying to them. (sometimes you follow someone who doesnt follow you). You just tweet @theirname and it will alert them.
Ive taken a twitter hiatus of sorts! But I'll try to keep tweeting.
I figured out the whole replying thing - someone has to be following you to get notification of you replying to them. (sometimes you follow someone who doesnt follow you). You just tweet @theirname and it will alert them.
they actually don't need to be following you to see their @ replies. You see all replies sent to you, whether or not you follow the person who sent it.