I don't understand why I should have to pay $10+ shipping when shopping online. Brick and mortar shops have expenses like employees, rent, gas, electricy, etc etc, that internet shops do not have. Yes, they have a shipping dept and web designers but I don't believe the cost is anywhere near equivalent. We should be encouraged to shop online as a means to save a company money, esp nowadays.
I know coupons can be used.. Example today I had a $20 off $100 coupon.. sounds great until you calculate shipping, in which case I sort of ended up equal.
<note, my rant is not applying to smaller shops that are subsidising income this way>
Good point about having employees, etc to pay for! I cannot fathom when shipping is $10 or something. NO SENSE. It costs you probably $3 to ship that thing to me. I'm not going to give you my extra $7 just because you feel like you want it. I have not pulled the trigger on so many purchases because I didn't want to add another $10. Maybe that's not a lot in the scheme of things, but it pisses me off!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
As someone who runs a small business, I can say that I need to charge shipping costs. First of all, shipping is differentiated come tax time from the price associated with the item shipped. Secondly, shipping does cost me money. And if you factor in shipping AND handling, that includes time it takes to package and mail the item.
Additionally, those big companies who ship things place? They have distribution centers and employees who work in those shipping centers, so they do have costs. And just because a store doesn't have a B&M shop doesn't mean they don't have overhead. I have overhead even though I don't have a shop. My items have to be made and stored somewhere, right? And I'm only a small business owner. Larger companies need places (like warehouses) to put larger quantities of products. Also, the packages the items are shipped in cost money as well.
So, I don't question shipping fees because they really are necessary. That said, shipping for me doesn't go into the cost of my overhead nor do I profit from it (that's just not ethical). It goes into the cost of shipping an item. And shipping packages can be more expensive than you might think, especially depending on the shipping method. Just my 2 cents from a slightly different perspective.
-- Edited by kenzie on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 12:13:18 PM
Additionally, those big companies who ship things place? They have distribution centers and employees who work in those shipping centers, so they do have costs. And just because a store doesn't have a B&M shop doesn't mean they don't have overhead. I have overhead even though I don't have a shop. My items have to be made and stored somewhere, right? And I'm only a small business owner. Larger companies need places (like warehouses) to put larger quantities of products. Also, the packages the items are shipped in cost money as well.
Well I guess I figure, when I go to a B&M store they don't charge me extra to fund the rent and the employees. So I guess I don't understand why the big companies need to do that on their websites, either. I feel like that $$ should come out of the cost of the item - like it does in a B&M store. I know the packaging costs money, but when I'm charged $10 for shipping and then I decide to return the item and I only spend $2.50 shipping it back, I don't think the box cost $8.50. Maybe it's because I'm looking at this as a consumer, I just don't understand why they would need to charge extra $$ to pay the rent in the warehouse, but not in the actual stores?
I'm thinking big stores, big websites here. IME smaller, independent sellers are usually very reasonable in their pricing and I can't remember ever being annoyed at the shipping a small seller ever charged me.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
As someone who runs a small business, I can say that I need to charge shipping costs. First of all, shipping is differentiated come tax time from the price associated with the item shipped. Secondly, shipping does cost me money. And if you factor in shipping AND handling, that includes time it takes to package and mail the item.
Additionally, those big companies who ship things place? They have distribution centers and employees who work in those shipping centers, so they do have costs. And just because a store doesn't have a B&M shop doesn't mean they don't have overhead. I have overhead even though I don't have a shop. My items have to be made and stored somewhere, right? And I'm only a small business owner. Larger companies need places (like warehouses) to put larger quantities of products. Also, the packages the items are shipped in cost money as well.
So, I don't question shipping fees because they really are necessary. That said, shipping for me doesn't go into the cost of my overhead nor do I profit from it (that's just not ethical). It goes into the cost of shipping an item. And shipping packages can be more expensive than you might think, especially depending on the shipping method. Just my 2 cents from a slightly different perspective.
-- Edited by kenzie on Tuesday 24th of March 2009 12:13:18 PM
Take this entire scheme and apply it to someone like The Gap who has warehouses and production lines, shippers, trucks that ship to their stores ANYWAY. Yes the volume would increase due to online business. But the increase cannot be the equivalent of rents, managers, employees, cleaning staff, manequins, rugs, furniture, bathrooms, etc etc etc. Also a huge company would have discounted shipping fees, they don't spend $7 to ship out 2 bras.
It makes sense on a smaller business scale (as I said) but def not for larger companies.. I just think its unfair that everyone cries boo-hoo when sales are down but they don't do much to keep a customer (Other than a 10% off coupon which then makes up for your shipping fees)
For my tiny business I have to charge shipping, but I'm only charging the exact shipping rate. I swallow the costs of handling(tape, boxes, tissue, bubble wrap, gas money etc). I wish I could offer free shipping, as I'm sure that would bring in more business. But I don't have a gigantic markup or 6yr olds in China making my shiz either;)
I know that large companies can negotiate set rates for shipping, so I'm still confused as to why places such as J.Crew have such jacked up prices, plus push "handling" on to their customers.
For my tiny business I have to charge shipping, but I'm only charging the exact shipping rate. I swallow the costs of handling(tape, boxes, tissue, bubble wrap, gas money etc). I wish I could offer free shipping, as I'm sure that would bring in more business. But I don't have a gigantic markup or 6yr olds in China making my shiz either;)
I know that large companies can negotiate set rates for shipping, so I'm still confused as to why places such as J.Crew have such jacked up prices, plus push "handling" on to their customers.
I actually build the cost of shipping supplies into my item costs. I charge the exact amount for shipping as well. If I'm over in my shipping estimate, I refund the difference to the customer.