Here's my usual evening routine (I am single, no pets):
5:00 Get Off work 5:30 Get home 6:00 make dinner, eat 7:30 gym (not lately though) 8:30 watch tivo-ed shows or netflix 9:30 Get ready for bed 10:00 read in bed 10:30 lights out!
of course, this varies depending on any other activities planned for the week.
It really changes, depending on how late I stay at work and if I go to the gym. There's always some combination of making dinner, watching TV, playing Nintendo, doing some writing, and hanging out with BF.
If BF is over, we go to bed at 12 or 12:30. If he's not, I stay up obscenely late...4AM sometimes! Thankfully he's over almost every night now, and I'm not as sleep-deprived as I used to be :)
-- Edited by Kelly at 12:07, 2009-03-05
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm trying to get back into a routine. So far this week it has been:
5:30-6:00 -> Leave work 6:30 -> walk through the door at home and start preparing dinner 7:00 -> Eat dinner and then digest 8:30 -> go to gym 10:00 -> make it back home again 10:00-1am -> unwind and finally go to bed.
I'm still working on the eating dinner and unwinding part. I have started crockpotting again to cut down on cooking time and hopefully that will mean I can get to the gym earlier and then go to bed sooner.
6:30 - 7:00 - get home from work 7:00 - take dogs on walk 7:30 - feed dogs & start grill for dinner 7:45 - make dinner 8:00 - eat dinner 8:30 - clean up dinner , pick up house , do a load of laundry 9:00 - watch tv , work , study 11:30 - 12 - go to bed
A typical evening usually goes like this: 5:00: Get off work 5:10: Arrive at home (I live close to my job, it's awesome) 5:10-6:00 Watch the news 6:00 Have a glass of wine and start making dinner 7:00-9:00 Zone out and usually have alone down time or watch TV with the bf. 9:00: Get ready for bed and get in bed. 10:00: Watch tv in bed till I fall asleep.
Sometimes I don't do any of this, and I just go to happy hour right after work. :) Then I usually come home about 7:00 or so and just unwind.
4.30pm leave work 5.30pm arrive home and probably internet for a little while sometime between 6-7pm have dinner then if i'm not going out anywhere, i'll have a shower after dinner then read until about 10.30pm unless i fall asleep before
Get off work around 4:30ish (I might leave a few minutes early! LOL) IF I'm not out shopping or running other errands, home by 4:50ish Walk thru door, take off shoes, put purse and other stuff down Go thru mail IF I'm not doing laundry that day, take off work clothes, get in comfy clothes/mode Watch TV Cook/eat dinner Maybe pop in a movie if there's nothing on TV TRY to go to bed arnd 10:30 or 11:00pm CST
That's it!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Get home, sort mail, put away any groceries I may have picked up during the day. Fix cat a snack.
Change into PJs. Clean up any cat vomit that may have happened during the day. Pour a glass of wine.
Turn on computer, check personal email, check home phone messages, read mail. Veg for a little while on this site or another while DH meditates and I have quiet time.
Make dinner for DH, cat, and me, and eat, usually eat around 7. Watch previous day's Daily Show on Tivo while we eat.
Load dinner dishes into dishwasher, veg with one eye on computer and one eye on whatever TV shows DH has lined up for the evening. If I'm not interested in TV I may call a friend and chat for a half hour, or I'll do some extracurricular work or writing.
Give cat bedtime snack around 9:30. Start packing it in around 9:45 or 10. Get ready for bed, read in bed until about 10:30. Toss and turn until 11. Repeat as necessary.
5:00 to 5:30 ish: Leave Work 5:45: Get home, change clothes for gym 6:00 to 7:15: Workout, leave gym 7:30: Start fixing dinner 8:00: Eat dinner 8:00 to 10:30: putz around the house, clean up, watch tv, surf the internets, etc. Bedtime by 10:30/11ish
7:00 get off work 7:30 get home, start cooking 8:00 eat dinner, pick up quick 8:30 blog, shower 9:00 tv 9:30 fall asleep on couch 11:00 finally move to the bed
5:00 - leave work 5:30 - arrive home, throw everything on guest bed, change into something comfortable, chat with husband, pet cat. 6:00 - discuss and either leave for or start dinner / eat at some point in the 6 o'clock hour. 7:00 - 9:30 - some combo of TV or internet, usually with DH. In nice weather during daylight savings, we'll often take a walk around the neighborhood. -Most days I play with the cat for about 20 minutes to help her work out her energy. 9:30-10 - Discuss when I'm going to bed with husband. He likes to go to bed early and is always asking me when I plan to get in bed too. I could run a marathon between 10:00 and 1am every night, but I usually give up and just go to bed when he does. Wash face, brush teeth, and usually stretch. Read Usually asleep around or before 11.
i am a sahm but my afternoon routine starts after my kids get up from their nap, around 4:30 or 5:00.
4:30 or 5:00 - wake up kiddos -if it's a nice day, go outside to the park and play w/ the ball or go to the playground -5:30-6:00 - start making dinner 6:30-ish - eat dinner -clean kitchen, load dishwasher while hubby gives kids bath and gets them ready for bed (if extra time, work on laundry) 7:30-put the kids to bed 7:30 until 8:30 or 9:00 - watch whatever hubby has lined up for us to watch (either a series that has been netflixed or downloaded on itunes) 9:00 - might check internet one last time for the day; make kids lunch for the next day if needed, put away stuff and hang up clothes, etc. 9:30 -9:45 - get ready for bed, fiddle w/ my itouch (check weather, etc.), read until 11:00-ish