Not sure if this should go in the general interest poll section?
I was curious to see what everyone's morning routine included? Mine used to be waking up with ONLY enough time to drag myself out of bed, shower, get dressed, make up, and out the door. Most of the times with half wet hair.
Since I've been waking up a little earlier, I find my morning routine contributing to feeling less sluggish, more awake, etc. It's made a hue difference!
Now I:
wake up make my morning coffee shower as it is brewing pour myself a cup while getting ready watch good morning america make breakfast, grab my lunch, wash dishes in the sink if there are any
Wake up Jump in the shower blow dry my hair put on make-up get dressed drive to work set my stuff down at my desk boot up my computer go get coffee/breakfast come back to desk and check email while eating/drinking
I have stopped staying up late and finishing work, and just have started getting up earlier to do work (I do a lot of stuff with documents), and although it's hard to get up at first, it makes the day go better and I get enough time to wake up.
So now, it's usually:
4:45 a.m., wake-up then I work for a bit then go work out for about an hour then shower and go to downtown DC and do some work I have to do there.
I am usually back at my home office by about 9:30 or 10:00, so I either take a nap or figure out what I want to do for the rest of the day (usually study or work)
I'm sure my routine will change soon when I start having to get to work earlier.
When I need to wash hair:
Set alarm 7am Snooze till 7:30 Shower, put on makeup and dry/style hair till 8:10 Make coffee, eat breakfast while browsing the internet till 8:25 Dressed and out the door by 8:40
5:00 Wake up. Turn on coffee pot. Turn on computer. Make breakfast. Check email and nytimes. 5:30 Shower. 6:00 Get dressed 6:20 Putz around making lunch, putting on makeup, doing hair, cleaning up. 6:40 Drive to work
- look at the clock and lament at how late it is (7:15)
- cry
- get up, choose clothing
- brush teeth
- wash face/moisturize/apply makeup (if time)
- curl ends of hair (trying to take showers at night)
- grab whatever needs to come with me and rush out the door with not enough time to get to work before 8. I'm late almost every day.
Stealing the following from kitty:
- drive to work - set my stuff down at my desk - boot up my computer - prepare and eat breakfast and drink coffee - come back to desk and check email while eating/drinking
* I read a wonderful tip for helping you get going in the morning and support good energy throughout the day. As soon as you wake up, walk to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water, chug it. Simple as that. Doing this makes such a huge difference! You can still drink coffee if you need it, but do it after you drink the water.
Alarm at 6am Snooze until 630 Make Coffee Shower (usually don't wash hair in the morning) Drink coffee/do work email/watch news Makeup Leave for work by 745
Amazing that nobody sits on the toilet in the morning but me...
Get up sometime between 6:45-7:15. The alarm is set for 7:21 but I am usually wide awake before then.
As soon as I get up I take a swig of sunflower oil and swish it around while I begin my day. (Google "oil pulling" if you're curious, don't bother if you're not.)
Get paper if DH hasn't, grab crossword and sudoku, make a cup of tea. Enjoy alone time in the bathroom.
Check on cat's breakfast progress (DH has already fed her, but I sometimes slip her seconds).
Finish as much as I can of the tea, puzzles and anything else worth reading in the paper until about 7:40, when DH is done in the shower.
Brush teeth, take shower, get dressed, do makeup and hair - done with all this by 8:10 or 8:15 if I'm really running late.
Check on cat's breakfast progress. Get my own breakfast, finish with the newspaper while eating. I may squeeze another half cup out of my teabag if I can.
Unload the dishwasher and load in the breakfast dishes. Pack a snack if I don't have lunch plans. Gather my things and get out of the house around 8:30. However, DH and I carpool, so if he's running late, it could be closer to 8:45.
On the whole it's a pretty relaxed schedule but still routinized, if that makes sense. Like it upsets me if I'm too rushed to finish the crossword puzzle...I feel like my whole day is wrong. But I won't check email in the morning or turn on the television, because those are major timesucking no-nos for me.
7:30 - wake up 7:32- go potty 7:34- get dressed 7:44- comb hair 7:45- plug in flat iron and then put on makeup 7:50- do hair 8:00- make chocolate Instant Breakfast 8:02- sit in front of the computer and check e-mail, etc. while drinking my breakfast 8:15- brush teeth, put on lip balm 8:20- gather my bags and things 8:25- out the door hoping I don't have to take the ice scrapper to the windshield!
Of course timing is approximate, and actual routine might slightly vary.
As soon as I get up I take a swig of sunflower oil and swish it around while I begin my day. (Google "oil pulling" if you're curious, don't bother if you're not.)
Interesting. How long do you swish the oil for? and how long have you been doing this? Tell me what positive changes you have had , I am def curious about this!
I work from home, so most days I am in no rush to get out the door for anything.
Wake up between 6 and 8 a.m. (most days I aim for 7 a.m., some days I am up by 6 and some right around 8)
Wash face
eat breakfast at computer while checking e-mail and news
brush teeth and put contacts in
start working. usually this means paperwork / phone calls / light stuff in the mornings, and actual physical work in the afternoons. most days i am in sweatpants and a tee because the physical work sometimes gets dirty/messy, so there's no point to dress up for it
showers usually take place sometime in the afternoon unless i have appointments or need to run errands earlier in the day, then i'll shower in the morning
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
* I read a wonderful tip for helping you get going in the morning and support good energy throughout the day. As soon as you wake up, walk to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water, chug it. Simple as that. Doing this makes such a huge difference! You can still drink coffee if you need it, but do it after you drink the water.
I read that as well in 'French Women Don't Get Fat'. She says that if you drink coffee first, you are creating a deficiancy as the coffee will dehydrate you. I do this now and feel better when I do!
Morning Routine: Put in Contacts Drink Water Take Shower Moisturize Bow Dry/Diffuse Hair Get Dressed (If I pick clothes out the night before it saves time and I dress much nicer) Push button on Remote Car Starter () Put on makeup Make lunch Kiss Honey Drive to work
*Wake up, put in contacts *Wash face and hands *Hair and make up *Get dressed *Pack breakfast and lunch *Eat a piece of fruit and watch the 6:00 news *Brush teeth *Watch Roseanne until BF comes to pick me up (we carpool) some time between 6:30 and 7:00, usually closer to 7...
Once I get to work: *Start up computer *Put lunch and breakfast in fridge *Check work email *Browse a few websites *Work until 10, then take a break and eat breakfast
Alarm at 7:30 Snooze until 8:15 (or 8:30 if I'm terribly sleeply, i.e. lazy) Teethbrushing, face washing, etc. (shower at night) Put on whatever makeup time allows for Brush hair and/or spray some Ojon if my hair is looking a bit dirty Get dressed Get food prepared for the day at 8:52ish (breakfast and lunch for work) Out the door around 9:03 Work at 9:15ish (supposed to be in at 9)
Stare at the wall for a few minutes wondering how the day already started (until 9:30ish)
I have 2 alarms (5:30 and 6:15am CST) that go off, and I don't ACTUALLY wake up to either one of them. LOL
Wake up between 6:45 - 6:55am CST Use the bathroom!!! (forgot about that! LOL) Shower (if I don't the night before) Brush teeth/wash face Get dressed (hoping NOT to have any wardrobe ISSUES!!!) Put on make-up Grab my lunch (if I take any that day), and other stuff Out the door and on my way to work
I TRY to get to work before 8am, even tho' I should be here at 7:30. I try to get here no later than 7:45, but that doesn't always happen......
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 12:51, 2009-03-04
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
7:00 Alarm goes off 7:20-ish get out of bed once weather has been read on radio & turn on the coffee maker 7:25 Shower & think about what I'm going to wear 7:35 Dry hair (straighten hair if I have time) while watching morning news (can't hear it with the dryer though) 8:00 Get dressed & put on makeup 8:15 Eat breakfast (in front of TV morning shows and while reading the paper) 8:45 Brush teeth & take vitamin 8:55 Run out the door to drive to work 9:15 Get to work
I am NOT a morning person so all of this is accomplished without saying more than one or two words to anybody fooloish enough to try to talk to me.
- look at the clock and lament at how late it is (7:15)
- cry
- get up, choose clothing
- brush teeth
- wash face/moisturize/apply makeup (if time)
- curl ends of hair (trying to take showers at night)
- grab whatever needs to come with me and rush out the door with not enough time to get to work before 8. I'm late almost every day.
* I read a wonderful tip for helping you get going in the morning and support good energy throughout the day. As soon as you wake up, walk to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water, chug it. Simple as that. Doing this makes such a huge difference! You can still drink coffee if you need it, but do it after you drink the water.
This is excatly my morning routine. However when I get to work, I zone out for about half an hour reading emails and surfing the web before I start work.