I am shopping for a new laptop. I'm so confused and could use some real world advice.
I have always used PCs, but I don't love them. Every computer I've ever had has been slow and buggy. However, I do really like using Excel and I'm trained in and used to using Word, Excel and Powerpoint etc for Windows.
I need a new laptop because I'm starting classes next January for my marketing degree so I could go either way, both are compatible with my school. My office uses Windows. I think I would prefer a Mac, they seem to be more user friendly and I like the fact that viruses are rare, etc. I love iPods and iPhone and I just think Mac products are kind of hot. And I would be nice to put on my resume that I am fluent in both Mac and PC.
Does anyone have experience with iWork or Neo Office? Any rec's on whether to go with Mac or PC? Cost isn't really a factor, my work pays for part of our home computer.
I love my laptop. I don't think I would ever buy a PC again, though I won't go so far to say that I think it's superior. I did well on a PC, just like the design aspect better of Macs.
I love my laptop. I don't think I would ever buy a PC again, though I won't go so far to say that I think it's superior. I did well on a PC, just like the design aspect better of Macs.
Ditto. I would never buy a PC again - my macbook is so much better than any PCs I've ever owned. I think they're easier to use, and look much nicer. =) Plus I've never had any problems with my macbook.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
what they said. I love my Mac. It didn't take long to get used to the different format (and i go back and forth between a pc at work and a mac at home with no problem). I use iworks and its fine, but I had a trial of office when I was finishing up school... if i were to go back to school, I would probably install Office just because sometimes (and this is totally because of human error) I mess up the files when I save them and they can't be opened on a pc.
I will first just say that I'm a diehard Mac addict. I'll be a Mac girl till death! Therefore, my obvious recommendation is to get a Mac
I have to use a PC at work (and have for any job I've worked) and I usually want to kick it or throw it into the wall at least once a day. I don't have these issues with my Mac. Macs also don't really get viruses, a big plus.
I use both between work and home. Both work fine. I keep a PC around at home in case I need to access something for or through work remotely. There are some def compatibility issues in my case; however, Mac popularity and increased platform-neutrality over the past few years eliminate problems for most. If you like the mac best, I say go with it.
Everything that the above posters have said-- Macs are simply much better. Also, if you're really gonna be doing some marketing stuff and will have to use any sort of design software, the available programs for Mac products are simply much better.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling