Or rather, getting my extensions out tomorrow and have to cut my hair a bit. I'm totally panicking and I'm going to miss my long hair soo much but I just can't afford it any longer. Sooo any recommendations for cute short hair cute? Shoulder lengthish?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Hi! shoulder lenght, or also chin length, may be with light , short bangs (as opposed to full bangs). If you like, a little shorter on the back than in the front. By the way, tomorroe I am going to cut my hair too! Good luck!
I have a grown out stacked bob right now that is pretty easy to manage. I think that is what the salon is calling it. It hits right past my shoulders and has some layers. It is shorter in the back than in the front but not too noticeable and is angled around my face.