I am sure this has been done before, but I am interested in why so many cool girls are here?
I am here b/c after years of working in retail and then leaving, I missed my fashion talk so much. The chatting about what we were going to wear for a date, or a special event.
The planning we would do all week long.
I love my friends but none of them care about fashion as much as I do, or do they plan as much as I do for an event.
I also love being able to get product reviews, talk about tv shows and getting some tech advice!
I also really love the new friends that I have made here!
Other than my complete and total obsession with fashion, this is the ONLY place I am comfortable talking about it. Nobody where I live understands why I would spend $$$ on certain items, like jeans or bags. They also just don't get fashion in general, other than the current trendy items for this area (most of which I don't like).
When I do talk about anything fashion, I get made fun for spending the money I do or the stuff I'm into, because while it might be an accepted look in bigger cities, it's unheard of here. I actually get upset once in awhile that I don't have anybody here to talk to about my interests.
I like being able to come here and talk about certain stores, or certain designers and having people know what I'm talking about.
I also like that the girls on here listen to each other, especially when one of us has a problem in life. Sometimes all I need is for someone to listen to me vent and offer sympathy, without offering their own opinion on a subject. I love that! I'm a pretty un-emotional person face to face (I have monstrous trust issues with people-meaning I trust no one), but's it's easy for me to open up in a post when I can't actually see the people I'm telling. It's a good emotional outlet for me.
Product reviews are also good to read. It helps when my only product interaction is online shopping.
Hmmm, I think that pretty much sums up why I love it here!
1. Product reviews, be it clothes, beauty products, whatever. 2. I've definitely learned to be a smarter shopper. I've realized that some things really are worth it even if they're expensive and a lot of crap just isn't. 3. I like talking to people from different places and especially of different places. This sounds sooooo stupid, but I feel like I get some sort of taste of what adult life is like besides friends. Gahh I'm dumb.
1. None of my friends know that much about fashion, be it designers or latest trends and I just know they judge me when I ramble on and on about how fabulous 12th street is (it is!) even though I can't afford it.
2. I love being able to post a funky pair of shoes and have some people hate them (of course) but some people actually like them and think like I do!
3. It's like a virtual closet. I can scroll through all the posts in the shopping forum and see gorgeous new clothes and thoughts and opinions on them.
4. The threadstyle forum is fantastic! I always get some new and fab ideas from the way other girls put things together. (threadstyle has been helping with the ban because I get all the great ideas for old stuff, whereas shopping hurts the ban - so it all evens out)
5. I can talk and talk and talk and talk and no one here will tell me to shut up!
6. There's a great set of women on this board and I like the interaction, especially during the day when my work gets dry and drab.