Andrea, I'm so sorry to hear that! My parents who have been married for 21 years are in the process of getting a divorce, my dad (not biological, he adopted me when he married mom, but that's a whole different post ) left and is living with another woman. I didn't think it would effect me so much seeing as I am grown and don't live at home, but it did. So I can relate to what you may be feeling. I now feel very protective and defensive of my mom and I never felt like that before. It will be important for you to be there for your mom, I have formed an incredible relationship with my mom thru this. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.
I found myself in a similar situation 2 years ago. My parents seperated after just over 30 years of marriage and I was devestated, and bitter and angry. My mother seemed to take it better than I did. My dad had a girlfriend who is only about 5 years older than me. In any event, my mother also works part time and had to get a roommate,etc but she is doing really well. I thought she would curl up and die but she is doing great. I think getting out of a marriage that isnt working is sad at first but then it is a great stress release. I like my mom better now than ever before, she is just a happier person. I do have that defensive feeling Fashion Princess spoke of. But that is okay. Everyone needs someone to watch over them! So, Andrea Julia, I know it is heartbreaking but your mom will be fine, especially with you for a daughter!
Andrea, I'm sorry to hear about this. I don't know what to say, but call your brother. I'm in Hawaii & we don't observe daylight savings, so we're 2 hrs behind PST, 3 hrs MST, 4 hrs CST & 5 hrs EST.
Oh AJ, I am so sorry. Your poor mom - and you too! Hang in there; the two of you will hopefully be good support for each other. I am sad for you both. :(
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler