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Kenneth Cole

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Diet/Exercise Checkpoint
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Hey girls -

I know a lot of us are in a diet and exercise program and I thought it would be fun to post our progress.  Sort of like the "I did it" articles in Fitness mag.  Maybe this will provide inspiration to everyone.  I'll start with my profile.

Height: 5'7"

Prior Weight: 149

Current Weight: 134

Date started diet/exercise: 10/25/04

History: In high school I was always the skinny athletic kid who could eat 5 burgers and never gained a lb (weighted around 105 at the time).  Then college hit and I got slapped with freshman 55 instead of 15, gained 55 lbs over the course of 3 years.  I played a lot of sports in HS, so when college happened, I had to quit playing and the late night snacking and beer did not help.  Senior year I decided to do something about it and hired a personal trainer, which helped me shed weight in 2 months to 128 lbs.  I stayed in this perfect weight for quite a bit of time, moving to New York and over 4 years.  A year ago, my weight started creeping back up again, first it was 130, then 133, 136, 142, 145 and finally 149.  I knew that if I hit the 150 mark I would never forgive myself.  In addition to that, at my sister's wedding everyone told me that I am looking much bigger these days.  The next day I decided I needed to do something about it.

How I did it:  The day after the wedding, I started going to the gym 5-6 times a week, for a minimum of 1 and a half hours and sometimes for 2 hours.  Got myself a Heart Rate Monitor which was instrumental in helping me pace myself during cardio workouts.  To start I could barely finish 30 minutes on the treadmill, now my cardio sessions are about 50 minutes.  It also helped me figure out how many calories I burn during the overall workout session.  I met with my personal trainer 2x a week, who helped me with weight training.  As for eating habits, I started eating breakfast which has helped me in not getting mid-morning cravings.  I cut back on alcohol, although not as much I'd like to (alcohol is my calorie downfall). and started trying to eat healthier, at the same time I do not deny myself something I really want.  Moderation is everything.

Typical Workout: 45 min cardio - Treadmill, elliptical, spinning or kickboxing and 45 min weight training - free weights or body sculpt class.

Typical Breakfast: Whole Grain toast with butter, boiled egg, lettuce and tomatoes

Typical Lunch: Salad or a roast beef sandwich on a roll

Typical Dinner: I eat a variety of things for dinner.  But I always try to choose chicken or fish with vegetables. 

Typical Snacks: Almonds and protein shakes



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I am going to be the first brave soul to respond to this b/c I am terrible at holding myself accountable so instead I am going to hold myself accountable to all of you .

Height: 5'2"

Prior Weight: 123 lbs

Current Weight: 121 lbs

Date started diet: 3/1/05

Date to start excercise: 3/28/05

I have never, ever in my life had so much trouble with my weight and it. is. driving. me. crazy.  I was barely 100lbs all through highschool just from the sheer volume of activity (teaching/taking dance and going to school) and lack of time to eat.  After highschool I was up to about 105 when I was dancing/teaching about 35 hours a week and walking.  Then FH and I moved and I got a desk job working 60-70 hours a week and ballooned up to what I can only imagine was pushing 130lbs.  After I got fired from that job, I was unemployed for 2 months and therefore at the gym everyday and got myself back down to 117-ish (mostly treadmill work doing walk/run intervals at incline).  Now I'm back at another desk job working only 40 hours a week and just totally slacking on the excercise.  FH leaves for Texas this Saturday and after that I WILL BE AT THE GYM EVERY WEEKDAY AFTER WORK.  I WILL!!  I will also be buying a scale this weekend so I will have physical proof of my success for motivational purposes.

This is far from 'I did it' but it is definitely going in that direction.  I hope to be back here next week with good news

-- Edited by LMonet at 19:24, 2005-03-23

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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Height: 5'3.5""

Prior Weight: 153

Current Weight: 131 (or so my scale says)

Date started diet/exercise: 1/01/04

History: Well I've never been blessed with the whole eat whatever I want and be skinny.  I've had to exercise ever since I was 14.  I did really well and was in great shape my first 2 years of high school but then classes got complicated, started working and the weight gain slowly began.  Couple that with college and margarita nights and it just got worse.  I never felt that good about myself when I climbed to 140 but didn't know what to do and didn't want to do anything until I hit that 150 mark and my doctor yelled at me for being unhealthy.  I thank him to this day for yelling at me and making me go on a diet.

How I did it:  I got back onto weight watchers really strictly and started walking 45 minutes a day and the pounds started coming off.  I slacked off once I hit 135 and got in a comfort zone and its just been hard to get back and finish losing the rest of my weight but I am proud that I have kept the original weight off!

Typical Workout: 45 minutes of walking the neighboorhood 3-4 days a week and 2 days of weight training.

Typical Breakfast: I have a few I rotate: whole wheat bagel with spray butter or cream cheese, cereal and milk, oatmeal with chopped up banana, pb toast, weight watchers muffin. All usually are accompanied with a banana or a glass of milk

Typical Lunch: varies.  Usually a turkey and cheese sandwich on Tues/Thurs, lean pocket, soy chicken sandwich or left overs on MWF

Typical Dinner: It varies. Lots of chicken and pasta dishes

Typical Snacks: lots of fruit.  I love fruit.



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Height: 5'3"

Prior Weight: 145

Current Weight: 118

Date started diet/exercise: June 2004

History: I seriously blame it all on my mom. When she had me, she was 19 working in NYC as a model- she's 5'11" and at the time weighed like 2 pounds. Her body image was so warped and when I was a toddler I remember her calling me names like "thunder thighs". When I got older she would yell at me if I asked for a snack or second helpings at dinner- telling me if I ate like that I would be the size of a house. Pretty much every time I ate she had some comment about it. So yeah, of course I rebelled and ate everythign I could to spite her. Not a good idea. Before college it was OK and even though I had horrible image issues I was pretty thin because I was a dancer. Once college came around though I was too busy for dance so I lost a lot of the excercise that I had been doing.

How I did it:  Weight Watchers. My fiance had/has a lot to lose so we joined together last summer.

Typical Workout: yoga/pilates

Typical Breakfast: eating in the morning makes me really nausious so I usually just have a coffee

Typical Lunch: ham or turkey on a pita or in a tortilla, pretzels, fruit or yogurt

Typical Dinner: very varied. I love veggie burgers when I don't feel like cooking, but I love to cook so I experiment a lot.

Typical Snacks: 100 calorie packs,LF ice cream sandwhiches

-- Edited by ILoveChoo at 10:49, 2005-03-24

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Kate Spade

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height: 5'5"

prior weight: 129/130 (maybe more, didn't have a scale at my heaviest)

current weight: 118 (approx. - haven't weighed in on gym scale yet)

started working out/eating right: mid jan 05

history: well, i was lucky also during high school & ate pretty much what i wanted without exercising & stayed in the 110-115 range.  then college hit & i discovered beer & i slowly gained, but i wasn't really motivated to lose the weight cuz although i was flabby, i didn't look that bad.  i worked out a bit here & there when i had gym partners, but as soon as they gave up so did i.  by the time i graduated i was back to around 115 & stayed there until i got my first office job.  after about 10 months i noticed that my jeans were so tight they were painful (jeans that when i bought them i could have sized down, but i wanted a "comfy" pair).  i cried in pain & frustration & vowed that after the holidays i would get in shape (this was just b4 xmas).  in january i began the hunt for a gym & signed w/ 24.  i also did a 3 week detox diet to "kick start" my efforts.  since the detox i kept eating healthy with a few slip ups here & there, but overall i try to keep it healthy.

typical b:  kashi go lean crunch & soy milk

typical l:  either leftovers from dinner or some kind of meat & veggies

typical d: usually home made steamed/cooked veggies (marinated in balsamic vinegar), meat cooked on george foreman, sometimes ww pita

typical snacks: raw fruit/veggies, yogurt

typical workout: first started out going to the gym every day almost doing 20 min cardio & alternating weights for arms and legs & abs class tues & thurs.  then ab instructor left & although they got a new one i took it as an opportunity to look for alternatives to the gym (my company reimburses the cost so i'm not worried about that).  i walk for an hour m-f (this week is an exception cuz of TOM) in the morning b4 work, then do hour yoga video 2-3 nights during the week.  this change seems to have helped melt away more pounds that i would have expected.  i'm not really all about losing the weight so much as just being healthy & preserving my body - the woman in my family have a tendancy to balloon up!



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Can I join you guys?  I started back going to WW meeting this week, so maybe i can join in?

Height: 5'6"


Prior Weight High/Low: 179.39/136

Current Weight: 154, size 8/10

Goal: 130

Date started diet/exercise: 3/22/05

History: I did WW for 2 year and got down to almost my goal weight.  Then I met my husband.  I maintained a lot until we moved in together.  I'd say over the last 18 months I gained 10 pounds.  He works odd hours and eats at odd times.  Being the good wife of coures I don't want him to eat alone.  He also is a true junk food junkie and will by pass a real meal for a bowlful of sugary cereal.

Then I realized something I love this man and I want him to be healthy.  In his job it's a risk if he's not.  Ah realization #2, I love myself and I hate being fat.  So get back on program and get back the sucesses you worked for in the past.  Oh, and take the wonderful man of mine with me! 

How I did it: I lost almost 45 pound 2 1/2 years ago by working with the WW plan.  I also did pilates 3x a week and walked about 5-8 miles a week.

Typical Workout: See "How I did it"

Typical Breakfast: Kashi w/2% Milk, or Yogurt and fruit and perhaps a piece of toast from whole grain bread.

Typical Lunch: Salad, Thai noddles, Turkey, Garden Burger.  I try to mix my meals up because I get bored with food.

Typical Dinner: Usually chicken breast or fish with a full plate of veggies and some type of grain couscous or brown rice or long grain rice.

Typical Snacks: FF Jello Pudding - I love the stuff or Mini bags of microwave popcorn

-- Edited by itsapinkthing at 10:26, 2005-03-25


Kate Spade

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This is great.  I need some success stories right now!!  I'm just getting started again... I tried to start a week ago, then got sick (of course).

Height: 5'4

CW/HW: 160 (32% BF)

GW: 135-140 (20% BF)

Date starting: 3/28/05

History: I was always a size 6 in high school.  I was reasonably athletic, but my mother cooked fantastically healthy food.  When I went to college initally I actually gained weight but lost mass as I worked out a lot with my friends. 

This hit the roof when I moved to England where beer guzzling and lack of exercise (minus walking everywhere) got in the way.  I gained about 15 pounds, which I lost the next year - I was down to about 137 or so, when I moved back to England (stupid for weight, great for fun!) to do my Master's degree.

I gained weight there again, but worked out about 3 times a week - so it wasn't ridiculous.  When I finished with that, I moved back home- got a job that mad me unhappy (i.e. why did I go to college to do this crap) and I basically got depressed, gained this weight over the last year and a half.

I have been feeling better lately (new job, still a bit mundane, though), but I think exercising will really help me get out of this slump!

Work-out plan: 5-6 days a week, running, kick-boxing, yoga, pilates, weight-training.

Food plan: balanced healthy diet.  I'm getting tips from my mom on what to cook. 


Kenneth Cole

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Everyone, congratulations on your success stories.

Alikat, you're well under way to a much healthier lifestyle.  Keep it up!


Kate Spade

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well my exercise/diet plan has been really on and off..

height: 5'3

highest weight: 152

current weight: 122

goal weight: 110

date started: December 03

history: I was always a size 6 in high school and my weight was between was almost all muscle though b.c. i was a competition cheerleader and did a lot of tumbling...when i went to college things just went downhill and i got up to 152 b.c. of unhealthy eating habits and no exercise...i wasn't doing cheerleading anymore, so had nothing to keep me in shape...i started watching what i ate and slowly got back into exercise..i started out with pilates and then did other things off and on and got to about 140...october 2004 i decided to become a vegetarian and lost about 10 pounds in a couple of months by not even exercising...just that diet change alone has made a huge difference...summer 04 i joined a gym for a month and lost another 5 then i was 126 and this past school year i have ate healthy foods and exercised on and off now 122...but i'm starting to run to train for a 5K in hopefully can reach my goal weight of 110 by next fall...cross your fingers!

b-usually cereal or oatmeal or yogurt

l-different everyday b.c. of crazy college schedule

d-usually different as well

s-FRUIT...hummus and pitas, granola, etc.

w-on a "couch potato to 5K" training schedule



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height: 5'3

weight before: 146 Eek! (july 2004)

weight now: 128

goal weight: 118-123 (i like to give myself 5 pounds to roam around)

history:  i am a yoyo with my weight ever since i graduated high school and went to college.  up one year down the next.  so now i try to exercise 4 times a week and eat less bread and pasta.  i dont starve myself and don't limit myself.  i am reading "french women don't get fat" and it is really helping me out...

typical meals:

b: banana with peanut butter and green tea

l: some type of salad

d: depends on what is going on. i travel a lot with my job so that plays into it a lot. 

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