Ok so Alex is about 19 months old and still takes a night time bottle. For quite awhile now during the day he drinks from a cup with a lid and straw. At daycare he takes naps without a bottle. So I was searching the internet trying to find some sort of helpful tips to take him off the bottle. I haven't found anything helpful...the best I get is just take it away and after a week he'll quit screaming at night. So if anyone has any other tips that would help please share.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Have you tried replacing his night time bottle with a night time sippy?? When Hayden was 8 months old we cut him down to one bottle a day (before bed). We just started that morning off with a sippy cup of milk, offered him his juice in his sippy that day, etc. and ne NEVER fussed about it all. When he turned 10 months old we decided one evening to put his night time bottle (milk) in a sippy instead and see what he did. He drank the milk, laid back and drifted off to sleep. Never a problem AT ALL! All Hayden cared about was his milk, he didn't care how he got it!
Hayden's 18 months old and still gets his pacifier at night and we're wondering how/when we'll break him from having that at bedtime. But I think the only way to really get rid of a pacifier, or a bottle in your case, is to simply GET RID OF IT!
I think I can compare it to nighttime breastfeeding weaning... There is no magic secret here, patience and empathy, cuddles and kisses and rocking through the screaming and pleading for a few nights to a week and usually the toddler will get used to the new routine by week two.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Hayden's 18 months old and still gets his pacifier at night and we're wondering how/when we'll break him from having that at bedtime. But I think the only way to really get rid of a pacifier, or a bottle in your case, is to simply GET RID OF IT!
Sorry I couldn't help more, good luck!
My neighbor cut her boys' paci down a bit every 3 day's. When it got down to the nub he gave up himself. It's worth a try!
As for the the nightime bottle Caeden never cared where his business came from so I'm not very much help. We just gave him a sippy cup at a year and he never wanted the bottle anymore. Now if I could just break the night-night drink life would be grand!
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
Is there anything you could switch up in his put-down routine that would distract from the absence of the bottle? If it's not the bottle but the milk you're wanting to elminate at night for dental reasons, will he accept water in a bottle or sippy instead?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I guess my answer really depends on WHY you want to get rid of it. If he is comfort sucking still and your reasoning is tooth decay then replace the milk with water and let him keep the bottle for comfort. If he just needs to fill up his belly before bed and it's not for comfort then just replace it with a sippy. If it's both then it's probably less trauma to let him keep the bottle another few weeks as he is probably just not ready to let it go.
I have 2 kids, one is 4 and the other 2 1/2, I'm by no means an expert but one thing I have learned is that with kids life is much easier if you go with the flow on this stuff and don't try and force the issue.
My mom offered me a choice: a bottle or a big-kid bed. She said big kids who sleep in big-kid beds don't use bottles. I chose the bed. (She was sneaky like that.)