Ugh. I'm just so annoyed by this. There was a thread a few weeks ago about political e-mails and telling people to stop it. Well, now I have a friend who sends me every forward ever (including the political nonsense) and now he's also started sending me every news story he finds and quotes he likes (WTH??). It's so irritating. I get about 5-10 e-mails every day from him in the form of forwards, news stories or quotes. My inbox is jammed up enough without having to sift through that stuff (and I've usually already read the news stories, so it's just a waste for him to send them).
I don't want to be mean, but I may have to send out one of those group e-mails saying please don't forward me stuff, blah, blah, blah. He's really the only offender, but I don't want to single him out.
Is there ever a time in which you must read an email message he sends you?
Could you just automatically go into "delete-mode" when you see his name in your inbox? Or--better yet--create a special folder and move all his email to it. Later, when you have some time to kill, you can go through the messages to see if there is a real message in there.
You would be taking a risk and possibly missing a real message from him, but it sounds like it would be worth it.
How close are you and this friend? Can you tell him to just stop it? I've done that with a few people. I would get forward upon forward upon forward and eventually I just told the person to stop, I wasn't going to read it.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
relrel, we aren't that close. He's an old coworker. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable telling him to stop it. I did do that to my mom, though, when she finally got into e-mail and discovered forwards. But, I'm also close to my mom and had no issues with telling her to stop.
Anyway, I do like the filtering idea. I'm sure I could set that up. He sends emails to both my personal and my work account. Usually the ones that go to my work account are more valid (real emails), but lately he's started sending junk there, too. Not sure I can filter work, but I can filter the personal account. That's a good idea.
I had a friend like this too. She would send every forward and joke imaginable (she was really into Angels too so sometimes it would just be pictures of cherubs and no message. WTF?) Anyway, I was going to Europe so I emailed her to tell her that I wouldn't be able to check often so please don't send any unimportant emails while I was away, as I wouldn't be able to check my inbox and didn't want it to get crammed up. She did and I think she got out of the habit of sending me stuff because I rarely get forwards from her anymore.
How redic. Would it be so bad to say "Hey please stop spamming me?" I mean if you are friends, he should get it.
As women I think we sometimes are so afraid to offend people that we end up getting stepped on.
If I were you I'd say "listen you're getting on the ignore list unless you stop sending me these random emails" and if he had a problem with it, I wouldn't care! Thats just me though.
I think I really might have to say something. It's only 11:45 and I've already gotten 7 emails from him. Not one was a real email. Several articles, a few forwards and a few quotes. Who has time to send emails like that all day??? He does it to my bf, too.
Just wanted to add, I've gotten three more from him since my post just above this one.
Christ, that's just not healthy! Kenzie, I think you legitametely have a reason to tell him to knock it the F off. But in a polite manner.
Perhaps something like, "I've been having trouble checking all my emails since I'm so busy with work/school/business. I feel like I'm missing something important so would it be okay if you only send me stuff through my personal account? And maybe not so many forwards so that way I don't miss anything that's actually important and something that I need to read? I enjoy a good joke about cats, but I just can't read them all!"
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Do you ever reply to his emails? If you do, I'd recommend immediately stopping, but it sounds like you're already ignoring him. I'd just shoot him a quick email saying "Hey, thanks for thinking of me when you send me your emails, but I'm finding I don't have enough time to read them. Of course, I always like to hear from you and know what's going on in your life, but could I ask you to stop sending the quotes and news stories?"
Do you ever reply to his emails? If you do, I'd recommend immediately stopping, but it sounds like you're already ignoring him. I'd just shoot him a quick email saying "Hey, thanks for thinking of me when you send me your emails, but I'm finding I don't have enough time to read them. Of course, I always like to hear from you and know what's going on in your life, but could I ask you to stop sending the quotes and news stories?"
I used to only respond to ones I found genuinely interesting (of the non-real emails), which was about 1 in 40. Over the past week or so, I've stopped responding to even the ones I find interesting. Maybe that will help??
But yes, I do think a gentle reminder that, "hey, i don't spend my day reading emails" is in order here.
There are some people that I just delete emails from. My dad used to be one of those guys that sent everyone everything - seriously - he would send me and my brother Purina emails about the type of dog he has (he bought the dog after we moved out and lives a 24 hour drive away) - other people were also included on this list, like my brother's girlfriend's dad ... yeah. My brother casually mentioned to him that he, well, flooded our inboxes, and he got really hurt and stopped sending us anything altogether. I feel kindof bad for him about that, so I've never said anything about it to anyone else, but if it was a casual acquaintance I might. I pretty much just delete most of what comes into my inbox though.
Do you think he's doing it to spite you since you sent out the last one? This guy needs to get a life and a job!
Oh, I never actually sent the last one (you're talking about the political one, right?). I was contemplating it, but just never did. He's been sending me upwards of 10 emails a day for months. I'm just tired of it. I usually delete most of them, but I'm getting busier by the day and I just don't have time to sift through all his emails in my inbox to find the stuff I actually want/need to read from other people.
Funny, thing...the only "real" emails he sends me are when he's at work and he's complaining about his job. He's been there for like 14 years and he's complained about it since before I started working there. Here's a thought, if it sucks that much, get a new one. He hasn't even tried and intentionally does stuff to piss off the company and antagonize his boss and then wonders why things don't improve (wth??). He's just waiting for some new job opportunity to drop from the sky. Good luck with that.
He's a nice guy, but I'm tired of the virtual bombardment, you know?
I say tell him to STOP. Ten e-mails a day that mainly consist of stupid forwards is too much even it they were from a good friend. If he is an old co-worker, why be so worried about offending him? You guys don't seem like good friends, so maybe I'm harsh, but I'd cut him off. I would either block his e-mails or just tell him to stop. But I'm a little devil.
So, I'm a little creeped out. Since posting this, I haven't received a single forward, quote, article or e-mail complaining about work. They just stopped. After going on for months and months. I know I have this site linked on my blog (which he reads) and I know he (obviously) has a lot of free time on his hands. I feel like he might have found ST and read this thread. Kind of creepy if you ask me, no?
SUPER CREEPY. Stalkerish. Can you see how many times his IP address hits your blog?
I have a blog counter, but I don't have IP address access on it. I just know how many hits and how many unique users. Is there a service out there where I can get IP addresses?
I believe in certain blogs there are administrative tools that can show the IP hits you get. I had movable type and have clicked in a couple of times.
I would say block him, who cares if you miss something from him once and a while? I wonder if he read your message on here then started emailing you constantly for spite then stopped when he knew you put 2+2 together. Is this weirdness even worth having the capability to drop a line to eachother once a year?