so a couple months ago I noticed a wasp headfirst in a hole in the brick wall outside my apartment door. I shoved a stick into the hole and smashed it that way.
today i noticed another wasp around that hole, it was yellow and black striped and appeared to have packed the hole with what looked like mud. it wasn't a "dirt dauber," those are black or blue black I guess. Anyway I went inside and got my bug spray and sprayed the heck out of the wasp and then sprayed on the hole. Wondering if there were eggs in there or something that would turn into more wasps to sting around my door, I dug in there with a stick, and what did I find? tiny fat grub/caterpillars - some bright lime green and others pink. and the hole is apparently much deeper now than it was.
The maintenance guy happened to be walking by after that and I showed him what I had found, and he seemed annoyed and said "well now that you've sprayed it, I've got to leave it alone so whatever's in there can come out and they won't come out into the apartment.
I'm anxious to see the hole sealed up but maybe he's right.
Anyway, I guess this is more a story than a question, but I just wanted to tell you guys.
well, googling tells me this is most likely a potter wasp, and the caterpillars were there to feed her larvae - maybe the pink one was actually a wasp larvae. and they don't usually sting. all the same, it's digusting and I hate the word larvae. and larvae themselves. and gross bug mud. etc.