This morning, as I was in the bathroom doing my makeup, I heard a deafening crash coming from what I thought was my kitchen. I ran into the kitchen, expecting to see my husband lying crushed by our fridge or some cabinets that had fallen off the wall. He was fine. "It came from the bedroom," he said. I instantly knew what happened and ran over to the master bedroom closet.
After 4 years, our ghetto apartment closet shelves finally broke. The shelves ripped out of the wall and fell, squashing my clothes, shoes, and bags. The closet is a mess, with giant holes in the wall and pieces of dry wall and dust everywhere. My clothes are covered with dust and I'm worried that the wire shelves ripped some of my bags. A lot of my shoe boxes are crushed, but so far it doesn't look like anything is damaged, but I haven't had time to look at all my bags that got squashed. Worst. Morning. Ever.
I knew the closet shelf was of poor quality, since it didn't even have support on 2 walls! But I didn't think it would actually rip out of the wall.
well, that must have been a lot of clothes/bags/shoes to rip the system off the wall (high five!)
so sorry though - sounds like a mess... on the flip side, it's an opportunity to get a new, nicer closet system, right?
Yeah, my shelf was pretty weighed down. I had a lot of hanging clothes, plus my boot and shoe boxes were stacked almost to the ceiling. DH is surprised that it stayed up for 4 years! We rent, but when we buy a house next year, I am definitely getting some custom work done in the closet. That's going to be first priority after kitchen appliances.
I can completely understand how you feel!!! And I'm so sorry, because it definitely sucks!
The last apartment I lived in we had the same thing happen three times (in three years)! They kept putting the shelving back up and never understood why it kept falling when it wasn't supported on 2 sides!
I'm looking at the shelves in my closet right now in sympathetic horror. Do you think your landlord will reimburse you for anything that got damaged? Or do you have renter's insurance that will cover any damages?
I'm looking at the shelves in my closet right now in sympathetic horror. Do you think your landlord will reimburse you for anything that got damaged? Or do you have renter's insurance that will cover any damages?
I have renters' insurance through USAA, which has awesome customer service. Thankfully, I went through everything, and there doesn't seem to be any damage! The painter came today and repaired the holes in the wall. Hopefully the repairman will be by tomorrow to fix the shelf. Otherwise, I'll have to wait till Monday.