I know summer hasn't officially started yet but I thought I'd get the topic going early. What do you want to read this summer? Light beach reading or classics or a combination of both?
On my vacation in Italy, which will probably my only break for the summer, I read:
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (which I want to try to finish this weekend because I'm going to a staging of the first chapter on Sunday night)
I'm definitely going to reread Brideshead Revisited at some point this summer because a film version is coming out in September.
would you recommend these The Age of Innocence and A Prayer for Owen Meany?
I'm currently reading:
and my stack of books to read is:
I'm thinking about buying these for when I'm done with the above 4: (I love this idea, this is the description on the amazon page: "This special retelling of The Wizard of Oz contains within it 1850 SAT-type vocabulary words, which appear in bold type throughout the story. At the bottom of each page are thorough but easy-to-understand definitions and funny or informative illustrative sentences for each of the highlighted words") (no, I'm not planning on having a baby, it just looks really interesting)
and if I get a boyfriend this summer I'll be able to start reading Dracula again. I got halfway through last summer and then moved (alone) into a house in the middle of the woods. And that book is waaaaay to scary for me to read alone at night.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 22:05, 2008-05-30
-- Edited by ttara123 at 22:06, 2008-05-30
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
would you recommend these The Age of Innocence and A Prayer for Owen Meany?
I can recommend The Age of Innocence. I love Edith Wharton. I think The House of Mirth is her best work, but if you liked the Age of Innocence movie, you'll like the book. It's 500 times better. There's a newish biography of Edith Wharton I'm going to have to read soon. She was such an interesting woman and her female characters are have so many layers. Did I mention I love her? She's one of my favorite writers.
I'm on a total Alison Weir kick lately. She's started writing fiction recently, so I've been reading them as well. They're better than the average historical fiction.
Currently reading:
And before that:
Just finished reading:
Eleanor of Aquitane is completely amazing. Talk about an early feminist!
And because of Eleanor, I'm reading about Richard the Lionheart (old, library book, nothing new) and Queen Isabella:
I also recently read:
And I just checked out from the library and/or purchased:
And a few more that I'll add once I go downstairs to see their titles.
ttara123 wrote:and if I get a boyfriend this summer I'll be able to start reading Dracula again. I got halfway through last summer and then moved (alone) into a house in the middle of the woods. And that book is waaaaay to scary for me to read alone at night.
ttara, I love that book! I would be scared to read it too if I lived alone in the middle of the woods.
Checked out from the library:
Also on my list:
and when it comes out in August:
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
This book had me laughing out loud really cute and funny:
Cute essays about living in NYC and her family:
This one I'm having trouble getting into. It's about a woman's wordrobe...but told from the point of view of the clothes:
This I bought because the author has another book coming out this summer (and it's only $5.99 on amazon)...this book was suprisingly good with a twist in the ending that I liked:
Planning to read:
This by the same author as above:
This as soon as it comes out!
I figure this will be a good pool read (by the Devil wears Prada Author):
I figure this will be a good pool read (by the Devil wears Prada Author):
I forgot about this one. I'm going to her book signing Wednesday. She's supposed to give a reading/talk, so it should be fun. So I guess I'll be reading this as well.
I'm waaaay too lazy right now to go find pictures...
I'm currently (and have been for what feels like years) reading Walden. It's good, but I keep falling asleep!
Next up:
Remember Me? - Sophie Kinsella (I think I deserve some junk reading) The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho The Worst Years of Your Life - a collection of short stories and essays about high school and maybe The Awakening - Kate Chopin
cc - are you excited about the Brideshead movie? I'm a little worried - I think the Granada miniseries broke the mold - but I know I'll see it anyway.
cc - are you excited about the Brideshead movie? I'm a little worried - I think the Granada miniseries broke the mold - but I know I'll see it anyway.
Yes, I'm very excited! I actually have to finish watching the miniseries. The could be a huge disappointment but I'll take any more Brideshead that I can get.
Just finished Eccentric Glamour by Simon Doonan. I love him. I ordered Wacky Chicks and Confessions of a Window Dresser from the library just today.
Also ordered The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I'm intrigued because the way I work is very focused and I feel like a lot of time gets wasted at my office. Has anyone read this before?
I started re-reading The Great Gatsby again too. It's been too long.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Also ordered The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I'm intrigued because the way I work is very focused and I feel like a lot of time gets wasted at my office. Has anyone read this before?
I haven't but my boyfriend went to college with him and I keep meaning to check this book out. I'm going to order it right now. He sounds like quite a character.
I only have one class at a time this summer so I am super excited to read for pleasure, woo-hoo!!
-I have to finish Lovely Bones (that I started in March so I can give it back to ShopChicago) -Beloved -Moby Dick -Running with Scissors -A Wolf at the Table -Dirt (the official authorized story of Motley Crue, yah baby!!)
I read pretty fast so hopefully I can add some more to the list.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
would you recommend these The Age of Innocence and A Prayer for Owen Meany?
I don't think I ever responded to you! Sorry! I would recommend both. The Age of Innocence is actually a really easy and pleasant read. A Prayer for Owen Meany I have somewhat mixed feelings about but it was also an easy read, despite its length, and very funny and moving.
Farrah - I LOVE The Dirt!
Right now I'm reading The Girl from the Fiction Department, a biography of Sonia Orwell.