Not sure if anyone remembers but recently, I moved out of the apartment I had shared with my bf and ended up finding an ad for a roommate situation with 2 other girls in a nice neighborhood. I moved in March and it became apparent that both rommates didnt get along, a big reason was that the one girl has her bf over our place about 4 nights a week and he has a key so he comes and goes whenever he pleases whether she's home or not. The landlord was made aware of this and did nothing. Last month, my roommate stayed home from work sick and had a confrontation with the guy who sleeps over, and he ended up physically threatening to hurt her. She filed police papers and had the lock changed by a locksmith. She paid for it up front, and deducted the cost from her rent. The landlord then came to our place to discuss it, and wanted us to all split the cost of the lock 3 ways. He refused to hold the roomie with the bf responsible for the $100.
So fast forward to present day. Last night, he called my roommate and told her that he wanted us all out because he is having family "issues" and wants us all to move out. Coincidentally, our lease is up at the end of May. HMmmmmmmmmm. I can't help think that he is lying and making excuses and just wants all of us to move out for a situation that was caused by one girl violating the rules.
I just moved in 3 months ago. I am so emotionally exhausted over what it took to get away from my bf, then the fight between the 2 roommates, and now I can't even fathom moving again. This would make the 3rd time I've moved in less than a year.
People are advising me that he is renting illegally and can't take me to court to evict me (I guess bc it could be considered a roomming house?), others say to ride it out until the marshall comes, that way I could live rent free until that time. I would hate to do that and don't even know if its possible but things are so tight money-wise right now and I really lost all respect for this guy as it is. Does anyone have any advice or maybe have been in a similar situation? I know in NYC it seems like the laws are geared in favor of the tenant but I am not really finding anything specific on web resources....
I think he has to give you formal written notice that you are to vacate on such and such a day, but I'm not sure how that works with the lease ending.
I really don't understand what you mean that he is renting illegally. Either way, I wouldn't stay past when he wants you out. That is just asking for more trouble/drama.
I've heard/read here and there about people in NYC renting illegally and people staying rent free, etc., etc., etc. I don't know enough about it to advise you but I'm sure there's a local tenant organization that can help. There's one in most cities.
In Texas a landlord cannot force you out without cause. My landlord can't just ask me to move out because he wants me too. He has to have a reason that is legally binding. There's practically no way to get me out of my place unless I do something that gets me evicted.
If you do have to move out, would you be interested in moving in with any of the current roommates? (I'm assuming you'd choose the non-bf one but that's just a guess.) While it sucks to move, especially given everything you've gone through lately, a safe, calm living situation can't be beat, even if it means yet another move.
This looks like it might be helpful:
Also, you could call 311 and they may be able to help you. My roommate did that when we were having problems w/ our landlord and it helped us solve our problem.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.