So, yesterday I log in to pay my cc bill and I see two large charges totally about $5k. I didn't make the charges. I call my cc company and report the charges as fraudulent. My card was not lost or stolen, so I figure someone must have stolen the number somwhere.
Well, I do a little more investigating and I think I know what's happening. When I used to work at the boutique I used my credit card to make a special order with one of the showrooms. My credit card must be on file or something and now they are using my personal card to pay for purchases the boutique is making.
So, I've filed fraudulent charges with my cc, but I'm also trying to get it resolved through the boutique/showroom.
I am so stressed out by this and so worried that I'm going to somehow get stuck with the charges. I don't trust credit cards or banks and I'm just so worried :(
Kitty, who do you bank with? Once my cc number made it into the hands of some thieves who went to vegas and racked up like $3000 at the casinos, and just like you my card wasn't lost or stolen, they just got the number somehow. My bank (bank of america) called me, told me about it, removed the charges and told me not to worry about a thing. they were AWESOME. i didn't even have to do anything. So if you are with them, you seriously have nothing to worry about. If you're with someone else, I'm sure you're fine too because the fact of the matter is YOU DID NOT MAKE THOSE PURCHASES and that is all there is to it. Good luck!
I assume this is a credit card and not a debit card. If that is an accurate assumption, don't worry about it for another second. Legally, you can only be held liable for up to $50 (and over 90%+ of all issuers (banks that issue the cards)) will credit that back. In the meantime, they won't charge you interest on the dispute amount and you won't be asked to pay anything toward the dispute amount until the investigation is resolved (when they will realize you shouldn't pay anything anyway!).
PM me if you have additional questions. My background in this area is a bit (actually a lot) detailed...
So, I called my credit card today to tell them what I thought was going on and they REMOVED the fraudulent claim and told me that because I had done business with the vendor in the past that I had to go through billing disputes and it was not considered fraudulent.
So, I called billing disputes and they said it can take up to 8 weeks for them to make a decision about the dispute and they'll send me a letter when it's resolved.
I am so upset right now. I feel like I'm going to get screwed out of $5k :(
And yeah, the boutique got back to me..the owner has been out of town and she wrote me on Sunday that she'd call to sort it out on Monday, but never actually called. She's now saying she'll call tomorrow.
So wait, just because you once did business with a company that later stole your information and used it without your consent, it's not a fraudulent charge? That's ridiculous! How can it not be fraudulent? Just because you did business with a company doesn't give them the right to use your card without your permission. I'm aggravated for you!!!!
So wait, just because you once did business with a company that later stole your information and used it without your consent, it's not a fraudulent charge? That's ridiculous! How can it not be fraudulent? Just because you did business with a company doesn't give them the right to use your card without your permission. I'm aggravated for you!!!!
-- Edited by kenzie at 08:07, 2008-04-23
That's exactly how I feel. I don't get it either. I guess because I at one time gave them my card, this is considered a billing error. It makes no sense.
I'd march myself down to that boutique and tell them I'm not leaving until they fix it! And seriously, how can they even say it's not fraudulent!?!
Seriously, I would go to the store too and help them dial the phone if they have to. That is so f*cked up I can't even believe it. And the fact that the boutique is so non-chalant about it is insane! I would definitely go into the store and make them deal with it. I'm so sorry for you!
I'm so confused at this point. You used to work at a boutique. You bought something from the showroom of the boutique. So they had your cc info. Then you got charged for stuff you didn't buy. Now you're disputing the charges. I honestly am completely missing why this would be a "billing error" Do you need me to call someone and go all lawyer on them over the phone? Seriously, I'm more than happy to. Please PM me if you want me to do this. Because this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Also, I really think you should cancel this card. These people are ridiculous. And get a bank of america cc--seriously, they're awesome. Like literally five minutes ago I went down to starbucks to buy 5 $20 gift cards (for administrative professionals' week). I get upstairs and my cell phone is ringing. I pick up the phone and it's the bank of america credit card fraud division calling to make sure that I actually spent $100 at Starbucks because it seemed like an odd amount to them so they called to make sure it was me. Now that's vigilant for you.
I really don't understand it either. They're telling me that because I gave me cc info WILLINGLY to them at one point, that this is now a billing issue and NOT fraud. I really don't get it and I think I am being screwed.
I really don't understand it either. They're telling me that because I gave me cc info WILLINGLY to them at one point, that this is now a billing issue and NOT fraud. I really don't get it and I think I am being screwed.
Oh my God! So by that logic, if I gave Starbucks my cc info one morning and then got charged fraudulently the next day, there's nothing I could do??? That doesn't seem right at all!