I've used Turbo Tax online for the past few years and been really happy with it. Last summer I became a first-time homeowner but figured since TT is so easy I'd have no problems. I went through the website as usual and in the end it told me I owed $49 federal but was getting around $2k back from the state. I thought that seemed odd and everyone I've spoken to said that can't be right. So I decided to try out some other e-file sites to double check and I've gotten wildly different figures! So far I've tried H&R Block's site and E-Smart Tax. Does anyone have other e-file sites that they like?
Thanks guys! Taxact helped me realize what I had done wrong on Turbotax. Sadly, I am hardly getting any refund but at least I now feel confident that I did everything right. Though I wish eSmartTax.com was right when it said I was getting over 12k back!