Now I'm not going to start peg rolling my jeans or anything but, I did just buy these To my defense my senses were weakened by nystalgia(sp?), but I live in a college town and the sales guy assured me the students are eating them up (ah the return to college preppy). Plus I do think they fit into my casual parent/playgroups/PTA lifestyle. But are you girls gonna chase me off the forum?
I figure we're all in the clear until we start wearing two or more pairs of socks in different colors at the same time while tucking our pants into them...
according to jcrew peg or tight rolling is making a comeback:
I choose to believe that they rolled the jeans like that to show off the shoes that they're trying to sell, as oppose to trying to revive that hideous, unflattering trend.
I'm in the minority here, but I'm wondering how Topsiders could ever be cute or flattering on anyone who isn't a boy under the age of 10. But I brake for comfort, so I suppose they're better than Crocs or other functional shoes...
Honestly, I do not think those shoes work on anyone. Well, maybe on a dude named Biff that has clambakes on the Cape and wears pastel plaid shorts, but that is it. JMO.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
according to jcrew peg or tight rolling is making a comeback:
Is it bad that I looked at this picture and thought, "I can tight roll WAY better than that"?
No, as a true product of the 80s, I had a similar thought. Then I thought maybe Jcrew was pushing some post modern version of the tight roll. "The tight roll of this millennium is more undone, more carefree..."
boobaby wrote: Then I thought maybe Jcrew was pushing some post modern version of the tight roll. "The tight roll of this millennium is more undone, more carefree..."
i've read this post a couple of times trying to figure out what it is that made me really not like the shoes--whether it was just my own personal sense of style or whether I really felt like they were not in style generally. And here's what I've come up with: I just don't think they're flattering. Like I just don't seem them making any outfit on anyone look better. Which is different than say when leggings came back in. When leggings first came back, I knew they weren't my personal style but I saw tons of girls pulling them off and looking supercute. With these shoes, I just don't see that happening. jmo, of course.
I think what this really comes down to is personal style. I don't see these shoes as being trendy at all. I think that they are a good alternative to sneakers or even flip flops. If worn appropriately, they can be very cute and functional. In other words, if you plan on wearing them to work or even trying to "dress them up" then you're taking it too far. Now when you start adding things like rolling your jeans, you are probably taking it too far unless you actually just stepped off of a boat. I like these shoes, I think that they are cute with a sporty/nautical edge that can be worn with all different kinds of outfits, especially in the summertime. I personally have seen a lot of cute outfits (but keep in mind that I live in Florida where the chances of just steeping off a boat is high) with these. They look cute with jeans and a polo, capris instead of rolling jeans imo, and they look good with shorts too. I guess it just all depends...