Ok, I haven't posted in a looong time, but I need your help! My engagement pictures are coming up (as soon as the weather gets nicer). I am pretty sure I want to go casual with jeans and wear some colorful, fun heels.
So far, some things I am liking ...
Joe's Muse:
Some colorful/fun heels:
But I am totally CLUELESS as to what kind of top to wear. I think maybe long sleeve would look best, but I am not sure. And I don't want anything like an oxford shirt because my fiance will likely wear something like that. I also don't want to pick a top that would look dated soon.
I think, based on the colors in the shoes, that JCrew would be your best bet (are those JCrew shoes?). A simple, nicely fitted tee or spring sweater would be super cute. You could also do a pretty cami with a cardi over it. To avoid being matchy, you can pull-out what appears to be navy from the shoe. That would be subtle. I agree that sleeves and classic style (but not a man-shirt) are great starting points.
I think its silly to base an outfit for pictures around SHOES. The pictures won't even show your shoes, most likely we will be seeing face shots. I would pick the top first, then the shoes. Look for colors that are flattering to your skintone and coloring.
I think its silly to base an outfit for pictures around SHOES. The pictures won't even show your shoes, most likely we will be seeing face shots. I would pick the top first, then the shoes. Look for colors that are flattering to your skintone and coloring.
I agree that they won't be in many shots, but I still think it is fun to build the outfit around them. They'll serve as a cute accessory in the photos in which you can see them and as inspiration overall. I can picture it now...the cute couple sitting together at the base of the big, ol' oak tree...
I'd go very simple with shape, get a neckline that is flattering on you, do a solid color, and make sure the fit is close. IMO the more simple and classis you go, the longer it will take for your pictures to look dated.
Maybe a light v-neck l/s sweater or a fitted cami/cardi combo?
ETA: I don't think having fun shoes on for pics is a silly idea - our photographer was able to do some really fun things, like leave my shoes colorized and keep everything else in black and white. They were some of my favorites, because they managed to capture all the details I'd picked so carefully in an artistic, graphic sort of way. I'm planning to frame some of the ones he got of my shoes, jewelry, and flowers to hang in my closet once it's remodeled .
Here are some options - simple, simple, simple - in whatever colors look best on you! +
-- Edited by Elle at 17:26, 2008-04-04
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I could also see a simple classic crewneck cardigan, buttoned up most of the way, with maybe a white tank slightly peeking out and a string of pearls or other short(ish) necklace.
I would go with a solid colored shirt (no layers), in your best shade, in the best neckline on you. Jewelry big enough to see in the photo, but not clunky. I had two takes for engagement photos, and the best were when I was dressed most simply.